वचन vaćan, vulg. baćan, s.m. Speaking; speech, word, etc. (i.q. baćan, q.v.);—(in Gram.) number:—vaćan-bandh, s.m. (in Gram.) Composition:—vaćan (or baćan) pūrākarnā, To fulfil (one's) promise, to be faithful to (one's) word,—vaćan-kar, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Acting according to orders, doing what one is told, obedient;—the author or enunciator of a precept:—vaćan-kram, s.m. Order of words or speech, discourse:—vaćan-kraman, s.m. An ellipsis:—vaćan-grāhī, adj. & s.m. (f. -iṇī), Accepting the command (of), obeying orders, attentive to command, conformable, compliant, obedient, submissive, humble;—an obedient person, etc.:—vaćan-mātr, s.m. Mere words, empty talk, assertion unsupported by facts. (For other compounds see baćan.)