हीन hīna, vulg. hīn, = H هینا हीना hīnā[S. हीन+कः], part. adj. (rt. hā), Left, forsaken, quitted, abandoned, deserted; excluded, shut out; deprived (of, -se), bereft (of), devoid, destitute; without (often added to substantives to form adjectives, e.g. dhan-hīn, q.v.); worn, wasted; diminished; decayed; enfeebled, feeble, weak; deficient, defective, wanting (in); minus; faulty; insufficient;—low, inferior, mean, base, vile, worthless, bad:—hīnāṅg (˚na+an˚), adj. & s.m. Deficient in (or minus) a limb or limbs; crippled, maimed, mutilated; imperfect, defective;—a cripple:—hīnāṅgī, s.f. A female cripple;—an ant:—hīn-jāti, adj. Low-born, of low caste; deprived of caste, outcast, degraded, vile; s.f. People of low caste, low people:—hīnmati, adj. Bereft of (one's) senses; senseless, stupid:—hīn-varṇ, adj. Of low caste, of inferior rank, belonging to the lower orders; outcast.