harj, vulg. haraj (inf. n. of هرج 'to be copious;—to be tumultuous,' etc.), s.m. Confusion, tumult; sedition;—trouble, loss, detriment, harm, injury; inconvenience; a nuisance;—interruption; impediment, obstacle; delay:—harj karnā, or harj ḍālnā(-meṅ), To place an obstacle (in the way of), to obstruct, impede; to interrupt, disturb;—to delay, retard:—harj karnā(-kā), To cause loss or damage (to), to damage, harm, injure:—harjmarj, s.m. Tumult, confusion, anarchy, chaos; commotion, agitation, trouble, stir, bustle, hurly-burly;—interruption; delay, etc. (i.q. harj):—harj-marj uṭhānā, To raise a commotion, to create a hubbub, etc.
Origin: Arabic
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