हरा harā[Prk. हिरयओor हिरअओ; S. हिरत+कः], adj. (f. -ī), Green, verdant; fresh;—gladsome;—blooming, flourishing;—green (as a wound);—half-raw; unbaked;—s.m. Green colour;—green food (for cattle):—harā-bāg, s.m. A green garden;—a blooming garden;—(met.) delusive hopes;—adj. (in Bot.) Herbaceous:—harā-bāg dikhlānā, v.t. To show one a blooming garden;—to raise delusive hopes in; to delude:—harā-bharā, adj. (f. harī-bharī), Luxuriant; fruitful;—overgrown;—prosperous, happy:—harī-bharī, s.f. An overgrown female:—hare-bhare raho, May you prosper and be happy:—harā-sā, adj. (f. -sī), Greenish:—harāhonāor ho-jānā, v.n. To be or become green;—to bloom;—to be promising (e.g. ḍūbe rupa`e hare ho-ga`e);—to be refreshed, be exhilarated;—to become delighted, or pleased, or glad;—to become raw (as a wound); to break out afresh:—harī-faṣl, s.f. Green crops, garden-produce (as cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, and the like):—hare-meṅ āṅkheṅhonāor phūlnā, 'To have (large) eyes (or the eyes to expand) in prosperity'; to become extravagant or prodigal.
Origin: Hindi