niyāz[fr. Zend rt. ni+aj; S. िनर+अɯ(अहित)], s.f. Petition, supplication, prayer;—inclination, wish, eager desire, longing; need, necessity; indigence, poverty;—a gift, present;—an offering, a thing dedicated;—assignment of revenue for the relief of the indigent:—niyāz ḥāṣil karnā, To attain (one's) desire; to pay (one's) respects (to):—niyāz denā(-ko), To give, bestow; to dedicate, devote (to):—niyāz-ě-rasūl, s.f. Offering of food or alms in the name of the prophet Moḥammad:—niyāz-t̤īnat, adj. Humble, mdigent:—niyāz karnā, To pray or beg submissively, to supplicate;—to dedicate, devote, consecrate:—niyāz-gār, s.m. A suppliant, petitioner:—niyāzmand, adj. & s.m. Supplicating; humble; obedient;—indigent, necessitous, in want or need;—a suppliant, a petitioner;—a humble or obedient servant (e.g. āp-kāniyāz-mand, 'your obedient servant');—a necessitous person, an indigent person:—niyāz-mandī, s.f. Supplication, humble prayer or petition;—humility;—necessitousness, necessity, want; indigence:—be-niyāz, adj. Without want or need, etc.; content; wanting no assistance; independent; absolute.
Origin: Persian