nosh, s.m. A drink, a draught; anything drunk (esp. sweet, agreeable, and wholesome);—a present;—a reward;—an antidote;—part. adj. & s.m. (fr. nosh-īdan, a denom. fr. nosh) Drinking;—drinker (used as last member of compounds, e.g. bāda-nosh, 'wine-drinker'):—nosh-ā-nosh, s.m. Repeated drinking, carousing;—adv. With full cups, with repeated bumpers:—nosh-dārū, s.f. An antidote; a remedy;—treacle;—an electuary:—nosh-ě-jān farmānāor karnā, or nosh farmānāor karnā, To eat, to drink (forms used in respectful speech):—nosh karnā, To drink, eat, devour, swallow, sup, sip.
Origin: Persian