◀Previous 200 Entries53299. ننواسا 53300. ننیا 53301. ننیال 53302. ننیانوي 53303. ننیر 53304. ننین53305. نہ 53306. نہ 53307. نہ 53308. نہ 53309. نہ 53310. نھاٹ 53311. نھاٹنا 53312. نھاٹو 53313. نہاد 53314. نہار 53315. نہار 53316. نہار 53317. نہارنا 53318. نہارنون 53319. نہارو 53320. نہاروا 53321. نہاري 53322. نہاكا 53323. نہال 53324. نہال 53325. نہالچہ 53326. نہالی 53327. نہالی 53328. نہان 53329. نہان 53330. نہانا 53331. نہانا 53332. نھانٹنا 53333. نہانی 53334. نہانی 53335. نہانی 53336. نھاوي 53337. نہائی 53338. نہایا 53339. نہایت 53340. نہب 53341. نہتا 53342. نہتھا 53343. نہتیا 53344. نہٹا 53345. نہج 53346. نہچی 53347. نہر 53348. نہرانا 53349. نہراوٹ 53350. نہرنا 53351. نہرنا 53352. نہرنی 53353. نہروا 53354. نہرین 53355. نہڑانا 53356. نہس 53357. نہضت 53358. نہفتگی 53359. نہفتہ 53360. نہك 53361. نہل 53362. نہلا 53363. نہلا 53364. نہلاءی 53365. نہلانا 53366. نہلوانا 53367. نہم 53368. نہن 53369. نہن 53370. نہنا 53371. نہنا 53372. نہنا 53373. نہنگ 53374. نہنگ 53375. نھنواد 53376. نہنی 53377. نہہر 53378. نہوانا 53379. نہوت 53380. نہور 53381. نہورا 53382. نہورنا 53383. نہوكہ 53384. نہی 53385. نہی 53386. نہیب 53387. نہیر 53388. نہیلا 53389. نہین 53390. نو 53391. نو 53392. نوا 53393. نوا 53394. نوا 53395. نوا 53396. نواءِب 53397. نواب 53398. نواب 53399. نوابی 53400. نواجنا 53401. نواح 53402. نواح 53403. نواحی 53404. نواختہ 53405. نوادر 53406. نوادر 53407. نوادرات 53408. نوار 53409. نوار 53410. نوارا 53411. نوارت 53412. نوارك 53413. نوارن 53414. نوارنا 53415. نوارنا 53416. نواري 53417. نواز 53418. نوازش 53419. نوازشات 53420. نوازنا 53421. نوازندہ 53422. نوازي 53423. نواڑ 53424. نواڑا 53425. نواڑا 53426. نواڑي 53427. نواس 53428. نواسا 53429. نواسنا 53430. نواسہ 53431. نواسی 53432. نواسی 53433. نواسی 53434. نواسیر 53435. نوافل 53436. نواقل 53437. نوال 53438. نوالا 53439. نوالہ 53440. نوامبر 53441. نوان 53442. نوان 53443. نوان 53444. نوانا 53445. نوانش 53446. نوءنی 53447. نواهنا 53448. نواونا 53449. نوائی 53450. نوایا 53451. نوایا 53452. نوبت 53453. نوبتی 53454. نوپان 53455. نوپر 53456. نوتا 53457. نوتا 53458. نوتا 53459. نوتا 53460. نوتا 53461. نوتپن 53462. نوتن 53463. نوتن 53464. نوتنا 53465. نوتنتا 53466. نوتنتو 53467. نوتنی 53468. نوتہار 53469. نوتہاري 53470. نوتہري 53471. نوتو 53472. نوٹ 53473. نوٹانا 53474. نوٹیرا 53475. نوج 53476. نوچ 53477. نوچنا 53478. نوچھاور 53479. نوچو 53480. نوچی 53481. نوح 53482. نوحہ 53483. نود 53484. نود 53485. نودها 53486. نودها 53487. نودها 53488. نودهہ 53489. نودوار 53490. نور 53491. نورا 53492. نورا 53493. نورانی 53494. نورباف 53495. نوربافی 53496. نورت 53497. نورت 53498. نورتے ▶Next 200 Entries
िननयन ni-nayan (rt. ni+nī), s.m. Carrying out, performing; accomplishment; performance (of a ceremony, etc.). H P نو नव nav, nau, or नौ nau; P. nau[Prk. नवो; S. नवः;—Zend nava], adj. New; fresh; recent; young;—raw;—(S. navam), adv. Newly; recently, lately, etc.:—nau-ābād, adj. Newly settled, or peopled, or colonized, or cultivated:—nau-āmad, adj. Newly arrived;—s.m. A new or recent arrival:—nau-āmoz, adj. & s.m. Inexperienced;—a beginner, learner, novice, tyro:—navāmbar (˚va+am˚), s.m. New and unbleached cloth:—navānn (˚va+anna), s.m. New rice; new grain; the first fruits;—a ceremony observed on first eating new rice or grain:—nava-bālā, vulg. nau-bālā, s.f. A girl just arrived at the age of puberty:—nau-bāwa, s.m. A young tree;—first-fruits; early fruit:—nau-bā`ī, s.f. A new custom:—nava-badhū, vulg. nau-bahū, s.f. Newly-married wife, a bride:—nau-bar-ār, s.m. Land recently made subject to assessment:—nau-baṛhiyā, s.m. An upstart:—nau-ba-nau, adj. & adv. Fresh and fresh;—ever fresh and new;—again and again:—nau-bahār, s.f. Early spring;—the spring:—nau-par, adj. Newly-fledged; beginning to fly:—nava-phalikā, s.f. A newlymarried woman, a bride;—a girl in whom menstruation has recently begun:—nau-toṛ, adj. Newly-broken (land):—naw-jal, or nau-jal, s.m. The rain of the rainy season:—nau-jawān, adj. & s.m. Fresh and young, in the bloom of youth, in the prime of life;—a youth, a young man in the prime of life:—nau-jawānī, s.f. Bloom or flower of youth, prime of life:—naujobnā, or nava-jovnā, or jauvnā, s.f. A girl just grown up to puberty; a young woman:—nau-ćandī, adj. Of or relating to the new moon:—nava-ćhātra, s.m. A new scholar, a student, novice (syn. nau-āmoz):—nau-ḵẖāsta, adj. & s.m. New-risen; adolescent;—a youth, a young man:—nau-ḵẖat̤, adj. & s.m. The hair of whose face is just sprouting;—a youth:—nau-ḵẖez, adj. New-risen, newly sprung up; fresh; tender:—nau-ḵẖezī, s.f. New-rising; fresh springing up or shooting forth:—nau-dulha, s.m. A recently-married man;—a bridegroom:—nau-daulat, or nau-dnan, adj. & s.m. Becoming rich after being poor;—who has just come in for a fortune; new to wealth;—an upstart, a parvenu; novus homo:—nau-ras, adj. Newly arrived or come forth; young, fresh, tender; recent:—nau-rusta, adj. & s.m. Newlygrown, fresh sprung up;—a young shoot; a sapling:—nau-roz, s.m. New year's day (according to the Persian calendar, being that on which the sun enters Aries; this is called `āmma, or 'general'; and the sixth of the same month, ḵẖāṣṣaor 'special,' or buzurg, 'great': both of these days are celebrated by feasts, the liberation of prisoners, etc.);—day of plenty:—nau-rozī, adj. Of or relating to new year's day:—nau-ro`īda, adj. Newly grown or sprung up:—nau-sikh, or nau-sikhā, or nau-sikhiyā, or nau-śikh, s.m. One who has just begun to learn, or who is in his noviciate, a beginner, a novice, freshman, a student:—nav-sūtikā, or nau-sūtikā, s.f. A woman recently delivered:—nau-shāh, or nau-shā, or nau-shah, s.m. A newly-married man, a bridegroom:—nau-shikebī, s.f. Freshness of patience; renewed patience:—nau-`arūṣ, s.f. A newly-married woman, a bride:—nau-`arūṣī, s.f. The state of one newly married:—nau-`umrī, s.f. Nonage:—nau-kār, adj. Newly operating, fresh;—young in, or new to, business:—nava-kālikā, s.f. A young woman (either one recently married, or one in whom menstruation has lately commenced):—navkanyā, or nau-kanyā, s.f. A woman who has never known a man, a virgin:—nau-murīd, s.m. A recent convert:—nau-muslim, s.m. A recent convert to Muhammadanism:—nau-mashq, adj. & s.m. Of recent practice;—a new practitioner, a novice:—nau-mulāzim, s.m. A new servant; a raw recruit; a novice:—nau-mulāzimī, s.f. Noviciate:—nava-mallikā, or nau-mālikā, s.f. Arabian jasmine, Jasminum sambac:—navnāgarī, s.f.=nau-kanyā, q.v.:—nau-wārid, s.m. New comer, new arrival:—nava-varikā, s.f. A newly-married woman:—nava-vastra, vulg. nau-vastar, s.m. New clothing:—nav-yauvanā, s.f. See nau-jobnā.