nikāḥ(inf. n. of نكح 'to marry'), s.m. Matrimony, marriage, nuptials (the most honourable kind of marriage, though in Bengal the term is applied to a left-handed marriage, such as that of a widow, which is considered disreputable):—nikāḥ-ě-bewagān, s.m. Marriage of widows:—nikāḥ-paṛhā`ī, s.f. Marriage-fees:—nikāḥpaṛhānāor paṛhā-denā(-kā), 'To read the marriage-ceremony' (over), to tie the nuptial knot:—nikāḥ-ě-s̤ānī, s.m. A second marriage:—nikāḥkarnā, v.t. To marry, wed:—nikāḥkar denā(-kā), To marry (a person to, -se, another), to give (one) in marriage (to, -se):—nikāḥ-ě-mit’ator mut’a, or nikāḥ-ě-muwaqqat, s.m. A temporary marriage (very common among Muhammadans, especially when detained from home: it is celebrated with certain forms, and not considered disreputable; and though the marriage itself is null and void in law, the offspring are legitimate):—nikāḥ-meṅlānā(-ko), To take in marriage, to marry:—nikāḥ-nāma, s.m. Marriage-contract:—arkān-ě-nikāḥ, s.m. Essentials of a marriage (viz. the proposal and consent):—sharā`it̤-ě-nikāḥ, s.f. The conditions of a marriage (viz. discretion, puberty, and freedom of the contracting parties).
Origin: Arabic