नक्का nakkā[Prk. नक्कअं; S. नब+कं], adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Of or relating to the nose; nasal;—one who speaks through the nose;—a nasal twang;—(in gaming) a cowrie thrown upon its face (lit.'nose');—a single cowrie;—the ace (at dice, or cards):—nakkā-dū`āor duwā(dū`ā= S. dyūta+ka); or nakkā-mūṭh (˚mūṭh= S. mushṭi), s.m. A game of hazard with cowries, etc., odd or even (cf. S. mushṭidyūta):—nakkādenā(-ko), To give a nasal twang (to); to snuffle:—nakkī-par rakhnā, or nakkī-par lagānā, v.t. To hazard; to stake.
Origin: Hindi