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nafs (v.n. fr. نفس 'to desire greatly,' etc.), s.m. (but f. in A.), Breath (of life), animal life;—soul; spirit, self, person; substance, essence, individual thing itself; a person, an individual;—mind, thought; will, pleasure, desire;—body; flesh; blood;—fact, truth, reality;—text (of a work);—concupiscence, carnal or inordinate desire, sensuality, lust, sexual passion;—sperm;—penis;—pride; grandeur, magnificence, pomp;—envy; vice, fault, blemish:—nafsu`l-amr, The essence, soul, or foundation of a thing; the essential truth or fact of the matter, the reality:—nafs-ě-ammāra, or nafs-ě-bahīmī, 'The soul that commands to the indulgence of pleasures and sensual appetites'; the carnal soul; inordinate appetite, concupiscence:—nafs-parast, or nafs-parwar, adj. & s.m. Gratifying the appetites, sensual, carnal;—one who gratifies his appetites, a sensualist:—nafs-parwar, adj. & s.m. Selfish;—a selfish man:—nafs-parastī, s.f. The gratification of the appetites; sensuality:—nafsparwarī, s.f. Gratification of the appetites;—selfishness:—nafsu`l-ḥāl, The essence of the case; the facts or merits of the case:—nafs-ě-sabī, or nafs-ě-lawwāma, Irascibility, or promptitude to the vindictive passions:—nafskushī, s.f. Mortification of the fleshly lusts; self-mortification; self-denial; temperance; penance:—nafs-ko ẓabt̤karnā, or nafs mārnā, To restrain the passions and appetites, to overcome the lusts of the flesh; to mortify the flesh, or the sensual appetites:—nafsu`l-mat̤lab, The essence of the matter, the substance, or real purport:—nafs-ě-mut̤ma`inna, or nafs-ě-malakī, The spirit of benevolence; benevolence:—nafsě-mulhima, The inspiring breath or spirit:—nafs-ě-nāt̤iqa, The rational soul; reason:—nafsā-nafsī, Each one for himself:—bi-nafsi-hi, He himself; it itself; in propria personâ; personally; essentially; intrinsically;—a priori
Origin: Arabic