nisbat (for A. نسبة , inf. n. of نسب ; see nasab), s.f. Referring (to, -se); deriving (from);—reference, respect, regard (to); attribute; relation, connexion; affinity; analogy; comparison;—ratio; proportion;—relationship by marriage; matrimonial alliance; betrothal;—a relation, or connexion;—a conundrum;—adv. or postpn. With reference (to, -kī), in respect (of), respecting;—in comparison (with); in proportion (to):—nisbat-tanāsub, s.m. Ratio and proportion:—nisbat rakhnā(-se), To have reference (to); to bear relation (to); to have to do (with):—nisbat karnā, v.t. To refer (a thing, to, -se), to derive (from); to ascribe, attribute, or impute (to); to accuse, or charge (a person, with, -se);—to form a matrimonial alliance with; to betroth:—nisbat-nāma, s.m. A genealogical tree (i.q. nasab-nāma):—nisbatho-jānā, To be or become connected by marriage; to become betrothed:—yā`ě-nisbat, The affix ي , denoting kindred and relationship.
Origin: Persian