नर nar[Prk. णरो, or नरो, Mg. Prk. नले, निल; S. नरः], s.m. A man, a male;—man, mankind; men, people;—the original or eternal Man, the divine imperishable spirit pervading the universe;—one of a class of mythical beings (allied to the Gandharvas and Kinnaras; thought by some to be a kind of centaur):—narādham (S. nara+adhama), s.m. (f. -ā), A low or vile man, a wretch; the lowest of mortals:—narbadh, s.m. Man-slaughter, homicide, murder:—nar-bali, or nar medh, s.m. Man-sacrifice the sacrifice of a human being: nar-bhū, s.f. 'The land, or birthplace, of men,' Bhārat-varshor India:—nar-bhū-pa, vulg. nar-bhūp, s.m. Lord of the land of men; sovereign of Bhāratvarsh;—or lord of men and of the earth:—narpati, s.m. 'Lord of men,' king, sovereign, prince:—nar-pur, s.m. 'Abode of men,' the earth:—nar-priya, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Favourable or friendly to mankind, loving mankind;—a philanthropist:—nar-tan, or nartanu, s.m. Human body, human frame:—nardevā, s.m. 'A man-god,' a god among men, a king:—nar-deh, s.m. The human body; the human form of existence, life as man:—narrūp, s.m. The form of a man, human form:—nar-rūp, or nar-rūpī, adj. Man-like, formed like a man, having the human form;—s.m. Any creature having the human form:—nar-siṅh, vulg. nar-siṅgh, s.m. Man-lion,' a lion among men, or a lion-like man; a great warrior, a hero; a man of eminence or power, a chief;—the lion-headed man,' or Vishnu in his fourth avatārin the satya-jug (when he descended to fight with Hiranya-kaśipu, an infidel prince who, enraged at his son Prahlād's worshipping the Deity, vainly attempted to destroy him):—nar-śreṇi, vulg. nar-srenī, s.f. A multitude of men or people:—nar-lok, s.m. The world of men, the earth;—men, mortals:—nar-keśar, vulg. nar-kesar, or nar-keśarī, vulg. nar-kesrī, s.m. 'Man-lion,' 'half-man half-lion,' Vishnu in his fourth avatār (i.q. nar-siṅh, q.v.):—narmohinī, s.f. A fascinating woman:—nar-mohī, s.m. (f. -mohinī) A fascinator of men:—narmedh, s.m. The sacrifice of a man, human sacrifice (i.q. nar-bali):—nar-nārāyaṇ, s.m. An epithet of Krishn, and of the author of Krishṇ-khaṇḍ:—nar-nārī, or nar-nāri, s.m. Men and women; males and females:—nar-nāh (S. naranātha), s.m. 'Lord or protector of men,' a king, prince:—nar-var, s.m. Chief among men; an excellent or illustrious man, a chief:—nar-hari, s.m. Vishṇu as 'the man-lion' (i.q. nar-siṅh);—a proper name:—nar-hari-dās, s.m. 'The slave or votary of Nar-hari,' a proper name:—nar-hinsā, s.f. Man-slaughter, homicide, murder:—narhinsak, adj. & s.m. (f. -ikā), Homicidal, murderous:—a homicide, murderer:—nareś, vulg. nares, and nareśvar (nara+īś˚), s.m. 'Lord of men,' a king, prince (i.q. nar-pati):—narendr, (old H.) narind (˚ra+in˚), s.m.=nareś, q.v.
Origin: Hindi