िनिध nidhi, vulg. nidh, s.m. & f. A place where anything is laid, or deposited, or stored up, etc.; a receptacle; storehouse; treasury; granary; nest; ocean; (fig.) a treasure-house (of good qualities), a person endowed (with many good qualities);—a treasure, store, hoard, any collection of wealth or valuables;—the divine treasure of Kuver (nine of which are enumerated, viz., the Padma, Mahā-padma, Sankha, Makara, Kaććhapa, Mukunda, Nanda, Nīlā, and Kharba: the nature of these treasures is not exactly defined, though some of them appear to be precious gems; according to the Tāntrika system they are personified and worshipped as demi-gods, attendant either upon Kuver, or upon Lakshmī, the goddess of prosperity):—nidhi-pa, vulg. nidhip, s.m. Guardian of treasure.