nis̤ār (inf. n. of نثر 'to scatter,' etc.), s.m. Scattering, throwing, strewing, dispersing, dispersion;—offering, presenting; donative; sacritice;—money which is scattered or thrown among the people at marriages or on other festive occasions (syn. nićhāwar); money presented as an offering to the great (i.q. nićhāwar):—nis̤ār karnā(-par), To scatter (money, etc. as alms, or a public donative, etc.); to sacrifice, or offer (to or at); to sacrifice or devote (oneself, to or for); to offer (money, etc., to a great personage, as a present):—nis̤ār honā(-par), To be offered, or sacrificed (to); to be devoted (for).
Origin: Arabic