◀Previous 200 Entries51263. ن 51264. ن 51265. ن 51266. نا 51267. نا 51268. نا51269. ناءب 51270. ناءبی 51271. ناءِرہ 51272. ناءزہ 51273. ناءژہ 51274. ناءِن 51275. ناءی 51276. ناءی 51277. ناءین 51278. ناءین 51279. ناب 51280. ناب 51281. ناب 51282. نابار 51283. نابدان 51284. نابھك 51285. نابھہ 51286. نابھہ 51287. نابھی 51288. نابھیہ 51289. ناپ 51290. ناپت 51291. ناپتی 51292. ناپگار 51293. ناپنا 51294. نات 51295. ناتا 51296. ناتر 51297. ناتن 51298. ناتنی 51299. ناتھا 51300. ناتھت 51301. ناتھتا 51302. ناتھتو 51303. ناتھنا 51304. ناتھہ 51305. ناتھہ 51306. ناتھی 51307. ناتھی 51308. ناتو 51309. ناتی 51310. ناتی 51311. ناثر 51312. ناٹ 51313. ناٹ 51314. ناٹ 51315. ناٹا 51316. ناٹاپن 51317. ناٹك 51318. ناٹكا 51319. ناٹكی 51320. ناٹكیہ 51321. ناٹمگار 51322. ناٹن 51323. ناٹنا 51324. ناٹنجھو 51325. ناٹهہ 51326. ناٹهور 51327. ناٹور 51328. ناٹیہ 51329. ناج 51330. ناجك 51331. ناجو 51332. ناجو 51333. ناجی 51334. ناجیہ 51335. ناچ 51336. ناچخ 51337. ناچنا 51338. ناچنی 51339. ناحیہ 51340. ناخدا 51341. ناخدا 51342. ناخداءی 51343. ناخن 51344. ناخنہ 51345. ناخون 51346. ناخونہ 51347. ناد 51348. ناد 51349. نادار 51350. نادان 51351. ناداها 51352. نادر 51353. نادرات 51354. نادرہ 51355. نادري 51356. ناد علی 51357. نادلی 51358. نادم 51359. نادنا 51360. نادهنا 51361. نادي 51362. نادیا 51363. نادیہ 51364. ناديی 51365. ناڈكا 51366. نار 51367. نار 51368. نار 51369. نار 51370. نار 51371. نارا 51372. ناراچ 51373. ناراد 51374. ناراد 51375. ناراین 51376. ناراینی 51377. ناراینی 51378. ناربوار 51379. نارجیل 51380. نارد 51381. نارد 51382. نارك 51383. ناركی 51384. ناركیر 51385. ناركیل 51386. ناركیہ 51387. نارن 51388. نارنج 51389. نارنجی 51390. نارنگ 51391. نارنگی 51392. نارو 51393. ناروان 51394. نارون 51395. ناري 51396. ناري 51397. ناري 51398. ناریا 51399. ناریچ 51400. ناریر 51401. ناریِل 51402. ناریلی 51403. نارین 51404. نارین 51405. ناز 51406. نازان 51407. نازبو 51408. نازك 51409. نازكی 51410. نازل 51411. نازلہ 51412. نازنین 51413. نازہ 51414. ناڑ 51415. ناڑا 51416. ناڑكا 51417. ناڑنہ 51418. ناڑنہو 51419. ناڑنی 51420. ناڑي 51421. ناڑي 51422. ناڑیا 51423. ناڑیچ 51424. ناس 51425. ناس 51426. ناس 51427. ناس 51428. ناسا 51429. ناسا 51430. ناسپاتی 51431. ناسپال 51432. ناسپالی 51433. ناست 51434. ناستتا 51435. ناستتو 51436. ناستك 51437. ناستكتا 51438. ناستكتو 51439. ناستكیہ 51440. ناسج 51441. ناسخ 51442. ناسك 51443. ناسك 51444. ناسكا 51445. ناسن 51446. ناسنا 51447. ناسنا 51448. ناسوت 51449. ناسور 51450. ناسی 51451. ناسیہ 51452. ناش 51453. ناشپاتی 51454. ناشپال 51455. ناشت 51456. ناشتا 51457. ناشتہ 51458. ناشك 51459. ناشك 51460. ناشمان 51461. ناشن 51462. ناشی ▶Next 200 Entries
nā[Zend na; S. na], neg. or priv. part. (prefixed to nouns, or participles), equivalent to the English non˚, ir˚, in˚, un˚, dis˚, and the affix ˚less:—nā-ittifāqī, s.f. Inharmoniousness, disagreement, variance, discord (syn. anban):—nā-āzmūda, adj. Untried, unproved, inexperienced:—nā-āshnā, adj. & s.m. Unacquainted; unknown; friendless;—a stranger:—nā-āshnā`ī, s.f. Unacquaintance; friendlessness:—nā-ětimād, adj. Untrustworthy, not to be trusted:—nā-ětimādī, s.f. Untrustworthiness:—nā-iltifātī, s.f. Inattention (to), disregard; indifference; slight; disfavour:—nā-ummed, or nā-umed, adj. Hopeless, despairing, despondent, desperate (syn. nir-ās);—nā-umed karnā(-ko), To make (one) despair (of, -se); to disappoint; nā-umed honā(-se), To despair (of); to be despondent; to be disappointed:—nā-umedāna, adv. Hopelessly; in -- 1110 -- despair:—nā-umedī, s.f. Hopelessness, despair:—nā-andesh, adj. Clear, evident;—requiring no thought:—nā-inṣāf, adj. Unjust (syn. an-nyā`ī):—nā-inṣāfī, s.f. Injustice (syn. an-nyā`o):—nā-ahl, adj. & s.m. Incapable;—unfit, unworthy;—an incapable person, etc.:—nā-bālig, adj. & s.m. Under age; unripe, immature;—a minor, child, youth; a ward:—nā-bāligī, s.f. Nonage, minority:—nā-ba-ḵẖirad, adj. & adv. Unwise;—unwisely:—nā-ba-kār, adj. & s.m. Useless, unserviceable; good-fornothing, worthless, vile; bad, wicked;—a goodfor-nothing or worthless fellow, a ne`er-doweel, a vagabond, a lazy fellow:—nā-ba-kārī, s.f. Uselessness; worthlessness; wickedness, villainy:—nā-balad, adj. & s.m. Without a country; of another country;—a foreigner;—a clown, a lout (syn. gaṅwār):—nā-būd, adj. Annihilated, reduced to nothing; ruined; disappeared, vanished; non-existent;—s.f.(?) Non-existence:—nā-būd karnā(-ko), To annihilate, etc.:—nā-būdī, s.f. Annihilation; ruin; non-existence:—nā-bīnā, adj. & s.m. Blind;—a blind man:—nā-bīnā`ī, s.f. Blindness:—nā-pāk, adj. Impure, unclean, dirty, filthy, polluted, defiled; lewd, licentious:—nā-pāk karnā, v.t. To pollute, defile:—nā-pākī, s.f. Impurity, uncleanness, foulness, defilement, pollution, dirt;—licentiousness, lewdness:—nā-pā`e-dār, adj. Inconstant, unsteady, unstable, fickle; not durable or lasting, frail, fleeting, transitory, momentary:—nā-pā`e-dārī, s.f. Inconstancy, instability, etc.:—nā-padīd, adj. Invisible, not conspicuous, not to be found; vanished, concealed; private:—nā-padīd karnā, v.t. To render invisible, etc.; to obscure:—nā-parwā, adj. Intrepid, fearless; free from care, independent; inconsiderate, thoughtless, heedless; restless (cf. be-parwā):—nā-parhezgār, adj. Inabstemious; incontinent, unchaste;—careless, incautious; negligent; inattentive to health:—nā-parhez-gārī, s.f. Inabstemiousness; want of due attention tohealth; carelessness;—incontinence, licentiousness:—nā-pasand, or nā-pasandīda, adj. Unchosen; unacceptable; disapproved of; reprobated; rejected;—disagreeable, displeasing, offensive:—nā-pasand karnā, v.t. To disapprove of; to dislike; to reject, refuse:—nā-pasandī, s.f. Disagreeableness;—unwillingness;—disfavour, displeasure:—nā-paid, or nā-paidā, adj. Unborn, that has never existed, non-existent; extinct; not to be found, lost, missing; not evident, invisible; vanished:—nā-tāb, adj. Weak, infirm:—nā-tajriba, or nā-tajriba-kār, adj. Inexperienced:—nā-tarāsh, or nā-tarāshīda, adj. Not pared, or planed, or smoothed; unsmoothed; unshaved; unlicked;—unpolite, unpolished, uncivilized:—nā-tarbiyat, or nā-tarbiyat-yāfta, adj. Uneducated, uncultured, uncivilized:—nā-tars, adj. Fearless (syn. niḍar); severe, hard hearted, pitiless:—nā-tamām, adj. Incomplete, unfinished; imperfect; deficient:—nā-tamāmī, s.f. Incompleteness; imperfection; deficiency:—nā-tuwān, vulg. nā-tawāṅ, adj. Weak, feeble, infirm, powerless, impotent; decrepit; frail:—nā-tawāṅ-bīn, adj. Unable to endure the sight of;—envious; malevolent:—nā-tawāṅ-bīnī, s.f. Inability to bear the sight of;—envy; malice, malevolence:—nā-tawanā`ī, or nā-tawānī, s.f. Inability; impotence, weakness; ailment:—nā-jā`iz, adj. Unlawful, not allowable; contraband (e.g. nā-jā`iz māl, 'contraband goods'); unsuitable:—nā-jins, adj. Of another sort or species, strange in kind;—heterogeneous;—ignoble; rude, uncivil:—nā-jinsī, s.f. The not being of the same kind, sort, or race;—heterogeneousness;—want of gentility; baseness:—nā-ćār, adj. & adv. Without remedy, remediless; constrained; helpless, destitute, abandoned, forlorn, distressed, poor, miserable;—by force, against the inclination; inevitably, as a necessary consequence; of course (syn. lā-ćār, q.v.):—nā-ćārī, s.f. Helplessness, destitution;—impotence; constraint; necessity:—nā-ćāq, adj. Unsound; indisposed; out of order:—nā-ćāqī, s.f. Unsoundness (of health, etc.); indisposition;—displeasure;—disagreement; coolness, lukewarmness;—laziness:—nā-ćīz, adj. & s.m. Of no consequence, of no account, insignificant, trifling, worthless;—an insignificant thing, a nothing; a bauble, a trifling or silly thing, a trifle:—nā-ćīzī, s.f. Smallness; insignificance; nothingness, nullity:—nā-ḥaq, s.m. Injustice, wrong, injury;—falsity;—adj. & adv. Unjust, wrong, iniquitous; illegal or unlawful, injurious; false, untrue;—unjustly, wrongfully; falsely; without ground or cause, without rhyme or reason;—improperly;—needlessly; in vain, to no purpose:—nā-ḥaq-shinās, adj. & s.m. Unjust, inequitable, having no notions of right or justice; ungrateful;—an unjust, or an ungrateful, man:—nā-ḥaq-shināsī, s.f. Injustice, wrong;—ingratitude:—nā-ḥaq karnā, To do an injustice (to, -se); to act unjustly, etc.:—nā-ḥaq-kushī, s.f. Unjustly killing;—nā-haq kahnā, To speak unjustly, or falsely (of), to calumniate, slander;—to speak in vain, or to no purpose:—nā-ḵẖudā, s.m. 'No God'; an atheist; an impious wretch:—nā-ḵẖudā-tars, adj. & s.m. Not fearing God, ungodly;—a man without the fear of God:—nā-ḵẖalaf, adj. Degenerate, ignoble, spurious;—undutiful (son), wicked, vicious; villainous; dastardly:—nā-ḵẖẉānda, adj. & s.m. Unread, uneducated, illiterate;—uninvited, unbidden;—an illiterate man:—nā-ḵẖẉāh, adj. & adv. Unwilling, constrained;—against the will, unwillingly, constrainedly:—nā-ḵẖūb, adj. Not good, bad:—nā-ḵẖẉush, adj. Indisposed; unhappy; displeased; disgusted;—unpleasant, harsh, disagreeable, bad:—nā-ḵẖẉush ānā(-ko), To prove disagreeable, or offensive, or displeasing (to); to be disapproved of:—nā-ḵẖẉushī, s.f. Disagreeableness, unpleasantness, unpalatableness, bitterness;—displeasure; fret;—disagreement:—nā-dār, adj. & s.m. Without possession; insolvent; impecunious, poor, indigent; blank; null (e.g. yěh bāzīnā-dār hai);—an insolvent man; a pauper:—nā-dārī, s.f. Insolvency; impecuniosity, poverty, indigence; pauperism:—nā-dān, adj. & s.m. Ignorant, unlearned; simple, silly; innocent;—an ignorant fellow, a fool, blockhead:—nā-dānistagī, s.f. Want of acquaintance; ignorance:—nā-dānista, adv. Unknowingly, unwittingly; ignorantly; incognito:—nā-dānī, s.f. Ignorance, incapacity; stupidity, folly, idiotism; infatuation:—nā-durust, adj. Not right or true, incorrect, false, wrong, improper, unjust; crooked; imperfect:—nā-durustī, s.f. Unsoundness, incorrectness, falseness, falsehood; crookedness; injustice:—nā-dihand, adj. Not giving, close-fisted, stingy;—not paying what is due:—nā-dihandī, s.f. Non-payment:—nā-dīdanī, adj. & s.m.f. Not to be seen, invisible, imperceptible;—unfit to be seen, or to be looked upon;—one of whom, or that of which, the sight is unbearable:—nā-dīda, adj. & s.m. Unseen;—not seeing; inexperienced;—vile, abject, base;—greedy;—a person who has seen little, etc.:—nā-rāst, adj. Not right; not straightforward;—dishonest, unjust, unfair; wrong, untrue, false;—adulterated:—nā-rāstī, s.f. Dishonesty, unfairness, etc.:—nā-rāẓ(or nā-rāẓī), adj. Dissatisfied, discontented; unwilling;—displeased, offended:—nā-rāẓī, s.f. Dissatisfaction, discontent; unwillingness; displeasure:—nā-rasā, adj. Unworthy, unfit; incapable;—ill-bred, unmannerly:—nā-rasā`ī, s.f. Unworthiness, unfitness, incapacity; want of reach or power; inability; failure; unskilfulness;—ill-breeding, unmannerliness:—nā-rasīda, or nā-rusta, adj. Not arrived; not arrived at perfection, or maturity, or puberty; unripe, immature;—sour;—destitute; unfortunate:—nā-rawā, adj. Not current, or passable; unsaleable;—not right, or proper; inadmissible; prohibited; unworthy:—nā-zā`īda, adj. & s.f. That has not brought forth children, or young;—a woman who has not yet borne children, or a female that has not brought forth young:—nā-zor, adj. Without strength, weak (i.q. be-zor):—nā-zorī, s.f. Weakness (i.q. be-zorī);—nā-zeb, or nā-zebā, adj. Not becoming, or elegant; unbecoming, ungraceful, unseemly, ugly, ill-shaped, disfigured;—plain:—nā-zebā`ish, or nā-zebā`ī, s.f. Ungracefulness, unseemliness, ugliness, deformity; plainness:—nā-sāz, adj. Disagreeing; dissonant, discordant; out of tune;—indisposed, out of sorts;—absurd;—obscene; rude, uncivil:—nā-sāz-kār, or nā-sāzgār, adj. Rendering discordant, or dissonant, or absurd; disagreeing, dissentient;—adverse; unfortunate, unlucky:—nā-sāz-kārī, or nā-sāzgārī, s.f. Discordance, dissonance, disagreement, dissension;—inadaptability;—absurdity;—indisposition:—nā-sāzī, s.f. Discordance; dissension;—adverseness; opposition, contradiction;—indisposition;—illbehaviour;—dissimulation:—nā-sipās, adj. Ungrateful, unthankful;—disagreeable;—undiscriminating:—nā-sipāsī, s.f. Ungratefulness, etc.:—nā-sazā, or nā-sazā-wār, adj. Unworthy, improper, impertinent, indecent; foolish;—undeserved, unmerited:—nā-sufta, adj. Not perforated, unbored:—nā-sufta-bih (i), s.m. & f. A cunning person:—nā-samajh, adj. Unintelligent, dull of understanding:—nā-samjhī, s.f. Lack of understanding, ignorance:—nā-sanjīda, adj. Unweighed; unassayed; unmeasured:—nā-shād, adj. & s.m. Cheerless, joyless, low-spirited, dull, hippish; dissatisfied, displeased;—unfortunate;—an unhappy person, a poor wretch:—nā-shādī, s.f. Cheerlessness, dulness, melancholy;—dissatisfaction, displeasure:—nā-shā`istagī, s.f. Impropriety, injudiciousness; indecency:—nā-shā`ista, adj. Unworthy, improper, unbecoming; indecent, indecorous; illicit;—unmannerly;—inexpedient, injudicious:—nā-shudanī, adj. & s.m.f. Not fit to be or exist, bad, worthless; unpromising; ill-fated;—impossible, impracticable;—one who is not fit to live, or from whom no good is to be expected; a worthless person:—nā-shukr, or nā-shukrā, adj. Ungrateful; discontented (i.q. nā-sipās):—nā-shukrī, s.f. Unthankfulness; discontent:—nā-shukrīkarnā, To be ungrateful, etc.:—nā-shikeb, or nā-shikebā, adj. Impatient, restless, unsteady:—nā-shikebī, or nā-shikebā`ī, s.f. Impatience, etc.:—nā-shinās, or nā-shināsā, adj. Not recognizing, or acknowledging, or owning;—ignorant:—nā-shināsī, s.f. A refusing to recognize;—ignorance:—nā-shob, adj. Unwashed:—nā-ṣāf, adj. Impure, unclean, dirty:—nā-ṣāfī, s.f. Impurity, etc.:—nā-ṣabr, or nā-ṣabūr, adj. Impatient (i.q. nā-shikeb):—nā-ṣawāb, adj. Not right; bad, sinful;—unwholesome:—nā-t̤āqat, adj. Weak, feeble, infirm:—nā-t̤āqatī, s.f. Weakness, feebleness; powerlessness, inability:—nā-’āqibat-andesh, adj. Not looking to the issues or consequences; short-sighted;—improvident; thoughtless, inconsiderate, inattentive to the future:—nā-farmān, adj. Disobedient, refractory; stubborn;—s.m. Name of a purple-coloured flower, a species of poppy;—a bright purple colour:—nā-farmānī, s.f. Disobedience; (in Law) contempt of court;—adj. Of the colour of the nā-farmān; purple:—nā-farmānīkarnā, To disobey, to refuse to -- 1111 -- obey:—nā-fahm, adj. Not understanding; unintelligent, stupid;—unintelligible:—nā-fahmī, s.f. Want of understanding; stupidity, folly:—nā-qābil, adj. Incapable; unfit; worthless:—nā-qābil-ě-ětirāẓ, adj. Indisputable:—nā-qābil-ě-intiqāl, adj. Not transferable:—nā-qābilīyat, s.f. Incapacity, incompetence; unfitness, unworthiness:—nā-qabūl, adj. Unacceptable; disagreable, unpleasant;—not consenting (to); rejecting;—loathing:—nā-quwwat, adj. Powerless, weak:—nā-quwwatī, s.f. Weakness (i.q. nā-t̤āqatī):—nā-kāra, adj. Unserviceable; useless, worthless, bad;—idle, lazy:—nā-kāragī, s.f. Unserviceableness; uselessness, etc.:—nā-kām, adj. Disappointed; unsuccessful; discontented;—useless; hopeless; remediless:—nā-kāmī, s.f. Disappointment; unsuccessfulness; discontent:—nā-kad-ḵẖudā, or nā-kat-ḵẖudā, adj. & s.m. Not a family-man;—a bachelor:—nā-kat-ḵẖudā`ī, s.f. The unmarried state:—nā-karda-kār, adj. & s.m. Inexperienced, inexpert, unskilful; ignorant;—an unskilful person, a bungler:—nā-kas, adj. & s.m. Unworthy, worthless, unmanly; base, ignoble;—a man of light character, or of no consequence; a nobody:—nā-kasī, s.f. Worthlessness; meanness; insignificance; infamy:—nā-kand, adj. Unbroken, untrained; unridden:—nā-kand, or nā-kand baćheṛā, s.m. An unridden colt;—an inexperienced, thoughtless person; a simpleton, greenhorn:—nā-guzīr, adj. Indispensable; necessary; inevitable, unavoidable:—nā-gufta, adj. Not spoken, unsaid; not told:—nā-gawār, or nā-gawārā, adj. Undigested; indigestible; unwhole some, unpalatable, unpleasant; unacceptable;—irksome;—unarranged:—nā-gawār guz̤arnā, or ma`lūm honā, To prove unpalatable (to), etc.:—nā-lā`iq, adj. Unworthy; unfit; incompetent;—inconvenient; improper, unsuitable:—nā-lā`iqī, s.f., or nā-lā`iq-pan, s.m. Unworthiness; worthlessness; unfitness; incapacity;—impropriety:—nā-mubārak, adj. Unfortunate, inauspicious; ill-omened; execrable:—nā-mutanāhī, adj. Infinite;—divine:—nā-maḥram, s.m. A stranger; one who is not permitted to enter the women's apartments;—one who is not (as regards marriage) within the forbidden degrees:—nā-murād, adj. Having the desires unrealized; unsuccessful, unprosperous; disappointed; dissatisfied;—undesirable; untoward (circumstance); unfortunate, unlucky (wight, etc.); graceless; evil, or adverse (times, or fortune):—nā-murād-āna, adv. As one disappointed; discontentedly, etc.:—nā-murādī, adj. Unsuccessfulness; disappointment; dissatisfaction; despondency;—undesirableness; untowardness, etc.; an unwelcome thing:—nā-murādī-kā, adj. (f. -kī), Undesirable, etc.:—nā-marbūt̤, adj. Unconnected, disjoined; ungrammatical;—impertinent, mal-à-propos:—nā-mard, adj. & s.m. Unmanly, cowardly;—impotent, imbecile;—a coward;—an impotent man:—nā-mard karnā, v.t. To emasculate:—nā-mardī, or nā-mardumī, s.f. Unmanliness; cowardice; incivility, inhumanity;—impotency:—nā-mushaḵẖḵẖaṣ, adj. Undefined; inconstant, variable:—nā-mut̤ābiq, adj. Inconsistent, etc. (see mut̤ābiq):—nā-mat̤bū, adj. Unacceptable, disagreeable, unpleasant;—repugnant to nature, unnatural:—nā-mǒtabar, adj. Untrustworthy; unworthy of credit, incredible:—nā-maqūl, adj. Unreasonable, irrational; improbable; absurd; impertinent; improper (i.q. nā-lā`iq):—nā-ma’lūm, adj. Unknown; uncertain:—nā-muqir honā(-kā), Not to admit or confess, to deny:—nā-mulā`im, adj. Not soft or tender; hard; rough; austere; severe; uncivil:—nā-mumkin, adj. Impossible:—nā-munāsib, adj. Improper, unsuitable, inconsistent, unbecoming, indecent; objectionable:—nā-manz̤ūr, adj. Disapproved; disallowed; refused, rejected; inadmissible:—nā-manz̤ūrī, s.f. Disapproval; refusal, rejection:—nā-muwāfiq, adj. Not suitable, or adapted (to); disagreeing (with); dissimilar; contrary, opposite, adverse; unwholesome:—nā-muwāfiq ānāor honā, To disagree (with), etc.:—nā-muwāfiqat, vulg. nā-mu`āfaqat, s.f. Want of adaptation; dissimilarity; disagreement; unsuitableness; unwholesomeness:—nā-mauzūṅ, adj. Disproportioned; incongruous; discordant (as music); unrhythmical, badly composed (prose, or verse);—ill-made:—nā-mihrbān, adj. Unfriendly, unkind:—nā-mihrbānī, s.f. Unfriendliness, unkindness:—nā-muyassarī, s.f. Inability to obtain; poverty, indigence;—impossibility, difficulty:—nā-wājib, adj. Improper (i.q. gair-wājib; be-wājib):—nā-wāris̤, adj. & s.m.=lā-wāris̤, q.v.s.v. lā:—nā-wāqif, adj. Unacquainted (with, -se), ignorant (of); inexperienced (in), unskilled:—nā-wāqifīyat, s.f. Want of acquaintance, ignorance; inexperience;—nā-waqt, adj. Out of time, unseasonable; late, after (business) hours (i.q. be-waqt, q.v.):—nā-hastī, s.f. Non-existence:—nā-hamwār, adj. Uneven, irregular, rough;—unworthy, improper; ill-conducted; capricious; froward, perverse:—nā-hamwārī, s.f. Unevenness, etc.;—nā-hanjār, adj. Rough, uneven; untoward; unpolite, rude, etc. (i.q. nā-hamwār);—astray;—unfortunate; wicked:—nā-hanjārī, s.f. Deviation from right, going astray; wickedness; rudeness; impropriety; frowardness, disobedience:—nā-yāb, adj. Not to be found or got; undiscoverable; unprocurable; unattainable;—scarce, rare:—nā-yābī, s.f. Undiscoverableness, etc.;—rareness, scarcity:—nā-yāft, adj. Not to be found, undiscoverable; missing.
Origin: Persian