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मेघ megha, vulg. megh, s.m. A cloud;—rain (i.q. meṅh);—name of a rāgor musical mode, appropriated to the rainy season, and last watch of the night before the dawn of day (said to have proceeded from the head of Brahmā, or from the sky);—a kind of fragrant grass, Cyperus rotundus;—name of a rākshasor demon:—meghāćhann (˚gha+āć˚), adj. (f. -ā), Overspread or covered with clouds, shaded by clouds, clouded:—meghāḍambar (˚gha+āḍ˚), s.m. = megh-ḍambar, q.v.:—meghārambh (˚gha+ār˚), s.m. A gathering of clouds:—megh-āruṛh, adj. (f. -ā), Seated on the clouds:—meghāgam (˚ga+āg˚), s.m. 'Approach of clouds,' the rainy season, the rains:—meghā-ghām (meghā= S. megha+kah, or maigha+kah), s.f. Heat of a cloudy day; sultriness:—megh-bānar, or meghbanar, s.m. An epithet of the clouds:—meghbaran, or megh-banar.s.m.=megh-varṇ, q.v.:—megh-pati, vulg. megh-patī, s.m. 'Lord of the cloud,' the thunderer, an epithet of Indra:—megh-pushp, s.m. 'Cloud-blossom'; water; riverwater; hail;—name of one of the four horses of Vishṇu or Krishṇ:—megh-timir, s.m. 'Clouddarkness,' darkness resulting from a clouded sky, cloudiness; cloudy or rainy weather:—megh-jyotis, s.m. Cloud-light,' a flash of lightning:—megh-dvār, s.m. 'Cloud-gate,' heaven, the sky, ether:—megh-dhanush, s.m. The rainbow:—megh-dīp, s.m. 'Cloud-light,' lightning:—megh-ḍambaror ḍambur, s.m. Thunder;—a mass of clouds; shadow of clouds;—the umbrella of Indra; an umbrella, or a canopy (over an elephant's hauda, or over an idol, etc.);—a large, high tent;—a kind of palanquin:—megh-rājor rājā, s.m.=megh-pati, q.v.:—megh-rāg, s.m. The musical scale megh, q.v. (it is supposed capable of bringing down rain from heaven):—megh-rūpī, adj. In the form of clouds; cloud-like; resounding, or thundering; black and threatening:—megh-kāl, s.m. 'Cloud-time'; the rainy season, the rains:—megh-garjan, s.m. 'Cloud-rumbling,' thundering, thunder:—megh-ghaṭā, s.f. A mass of clouds:—megh-mālā, s.f. A line or succession of clouds; a gathering of clouds:—megh-nād, s.m. 'Cloud-noise,' rumbling or thundering of clouds; sound of rain; thunder;—an epithet of Varuṇ, and of a son of his, and of a son of Rāvaṇ(i.q. indra-jit);—a species of amaranth, Amaranthus polygonoides;—the palāstree, Butea frondosa:—megh-nādānulāsī(˚nāda+ an˚), s.m. 'Rejoicing in the rumbling of thunder-clouds,' an epithet of the peacock:—megh-varṇ, vulg. megh-baran, or megh-banar, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), 'Cloud-coloured,' having the hue of a cloud; dark like the clouds;—a proper name; name of a crow in the Hitopadeś.
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