मेल mela, vulg. mel (rt. mil), s.m. Meeting, coming together, assemblage; union, intercourse; mixture, mixing together; connexion, relation, relationship; association, combination; reconciliation; agreement, compact; concord, intimacy, amity; harmonious consistency together;—balancing (as of an account), tally;—counterpart;—kind, sort;—a band, or company; a court (of justice):—meljol, or mel-milāp, s.m. Association, combination; friendly intercourse; familiarity;—reconcilement:—mel-kā, adj. (f. -kī), Of the same kind, or class, or society;—congenial; friendly, sociable, etc. (i.q. melī, q.v.):—mel karnā(-se, or -ke sāth), To unite, or combine (with); to mix, or associate (with), etc. (i.q. milā`o karnā, and ittifāq karnā, qq.v.):—mel khānā(-se), To unite, or mix (with); to pair (with); to accord, or tobe in harmony (with):—be-mel, adj.=an-mel, q.v.:—hel-mel, s.m. Close intimacy, or alliance;—familiarity, etc. (i.q. mel);—hel-mel karnā(-se, or -ke sāth), To form an intimacy, or an alliance (with), etc.