मैला mailā[Prk. मइलअं; S. मिलन+कं], adj. (f. -ī), Dirty, filthy; foul; soiled; defiled; nasty;—sad, troubled, vexed, annoyed;—inferior, low, mean;—s.m. Dirt, filth, etc. (i.q. mail, q.v.);—blood;—a man of loose character; a gambler; a roué; a blackleg; a sodomite, or catamite; a pilferer, a thief:—mailā-kućaila, or kućīlā, adj. (f. -ī), Dirty and ill-clad, filthy and ragged; dirty, foul, polluted (i.q. mailā):—mailākarnā, v.t. To dirty, soil, befoul;—v.n. To pass excrement; to go to stool:—man mailākarnā, To be sad or dejected, to be troubled, or vexed, or annoyed:—mailā-honāor ho-jānā, v.n. To be or become dirty, or foul, or polluted; to become turbid; to become rusty; to tarnish; to spoil; to fade; to go to waste:—maile sir-se honā, v.n. 'To be with the head unwashed,' to be in a state of menstruation.
Origin: Hindi