मेखला mekhalā, vulg. mekhlā, s.f. (in one or two compounds, mekhala), A girdle, zone, belt, waist-belt; the zone of a woman;—the triple zone or string worn round the loins by the first three classes of Hindūs (that of a Brāhmaṇought to be of munj, that of a Kshatriya of mūrvā, and that of a Vaiśya of san or hemp);—the sacrificial string of a Brāhmaṇ(when made of deer-skin);—girth (of a horse);—a band, or fillet;—a sword-belt, baldric;—a sword-knot, or string fastened to the hilt;—the place of the girdle, the hips;—the cords or lines drawn round an altar, or on the four sides of the hole in which sacrificial fire is offered;—the edge or slope of a mountain;—the sea (as surrounding the land);—name of the Narmadāriver:—mekhala-kanyakā, s.f.=mekalkanyakā, q.v.s.v. mekala.