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mīr (contrac. of amīr, q.v.), s.m. Chief, leader, master, head, dux; a title by which the Saiyids (or descendants of the family of Muḥammad) are called;—(in cards) the king:—mīr-ě-ātash, or mīr-ātish, s.m. Chief of the fireworks; commandant of artillery, master of the ordnance:—mīr-ātishī, s.f. The office of mīr-ātish:—mīr-ě-āḵẖẉur, vulg. mīr-āḵẖuror āḵẖor, s.m. Master of the horse:—mīr-baḥr, s.m. An admiral;—an overseer of boats;—a collector of port-duty, a harbour master;—mīrbaḥrī, s.f. Admiralty;—port-dues:—mīrbaḵẖshī, s.m. Paymaster-general:—mīr-tuzakor tǒzak, s.m. Marshal;—an officer who maintains order in a march or procession; master of the ceremonies:—mīr-jī, s.m. A title of mīrāsīs:—mīr-dah, or mīr-daha, s.m. A commander, or superintendent, of ten; a decurion;—a tithingman:—mīr-zā, s.m. See s.v.:—mīr-sāmān, s.m. Head steward:—mīr-shikār, s.m. Master of the hunt, chief huntsman;—grand falconer;—a bird-catcher; (met.) a pimp:—mīr-ě-’adl, or mīr-’adl, s.m. Chief justice; superintendent of the courts of justice (who revised the decisions of the Qāẓīs, etc., and passed sentence):—mīrfarsh, s.m. A stone, or weight, placed on the edge of a carpet or the like, to keep it down:—mīr-ě-majlis, or mīr-majlis, s.m. Master of the ceremonies;—president, or chairman:—mīrmaḥalla, s.m. Headman of a quarter (of a town):—mīr-mat̤baḵẖ, s.m. Chief of the kitchen; chief cook:—mīr-ě-manzil, or mīrmanzil, s.m. Overseer of the halting-places;—quartermaster-general:—mīr-munshī, s.m. Chief secretary;—head (native)clerk (of an office).
Origin: Persian
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