meḵẖ[for mīḵẖ; old P. mikh; Pehl. miś, or maś; Zend mizhda], s.f. A nail; a pin (of wood or iron); peg, tent-peg; stake, pile; post; wedge; spike; hook, tenter:—meḵẖ ṭhoṅknā(-meṅ), To hammer or drive a nail, or pin, etc. (into); to drive stakes (into the hands and feet,—an oriental mode of punishment); to impale, to crucify:—meḵẖ-ćo, or meḵẖ-ćū(˚ćoor ćūprob. contrac. of ćobor ćūb), s.f. A mallet, mall, or hammer (for driving piles, pegs, or tent-pins):—meḵẖmārnā(-meṅ), To drive a nail, etc. (into); to put a spoke (in the wheel of); to render powerless, to overcome.
Origin: Persian
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