miyān[old P. myān; Pehl. miyān; Zend maidhyãna, fr. maidhya= S. मध्य], s.m. The middle, centre; waist, loins;—a scabbard, sheath;—adv. Between, among, in the midst (of):—miyān-bālā, adj. Of middle stature:—miyān-basta, adj. Loin-girded, with the loins girt, ready, prepared (for action):—miyān-bhā`ī, s.m. Two men living with one woman:—miyāntah, s.f. Under-lining (cf. next):—miyān-tahī, s.f. The middle fold (of any garment which consists of three folds):—miyān-dār, adj. & s.m. Going between;—having a sheath, sheathed; (in Bot.) villous;—a middle-man; broker; mediator; procurator:—miyān-du`āb, s.m. A tract of land lying between two rivers (syn. antarbed):—miyān-se bāhar honā, To be out of the scabbard, to be unsheathed (a sword);—to pass all bounds, to go beyond the happy mean; to be transported with rage:—miyān-t̤abī`at, adj. Good-natured, complaisant, courteous:—miyān-se kheṅćnā, v.t. To draw from the scabbard, to unsheathe (a sword):—miyān-meṅkarnā, v.t. To put into the scabbard, to sheathe (a sword).
Origin: Persian