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मोह moh, and H. मौह mauh, s.m. (and f. in H.), Loss of consciousness, fainting, unconsciousness, insensibility; stupefaction; bewilderment, perplexity, distraction; ignorance, folly, fatuity, infatuation, delusion;—fascination, allurement, charm;—error, mistake, going astray;—affection, love, kindness, sympathy, compassion, pity;—(in philos.) darkness or delusion of mind preventing the discernment of truth (leading men to believe in the reality of worldly objects, and to addict themselves to mundane or sensual enjoyment):—mohāpahārī(˚ha+ap˚), s.m. The destroyer of ignorance, or error, etc. (an epithet of Śiva, and of Wisdom):—moh-tam, s.m. The darkness occasioned by moh, q.v.:—moh jānā(-par?), To be fascinated (by), be charmed (with), be enamoured (of):—moh-rūpī, adj. Infatuating; delusive; illusive;—fascinating, charming:—moh karnā(-ko), To allure; to infatuate, etc. (i.q. mohnā, q.v.);—moh karnā(-kā), To feel affection, or compassion, etc. (for); to love:—moh-may, adj. (f. -ī), Abounding in, or under the influence of, infatuation, or delusion, or error, etc.; leading to delusion, delusive; perplexing; false:—moh-meṅ ānā, v.n. To become unconscious, to faint or swoon (as at the sudden appearance of a friend or mistress).

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