मूढ़ mūṛh[S. मूढः, rt. मुɯ], part. adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Stupefied, bewildered, perplexed, confounded, confused;—infatuated; blinded by passion, or by ignorance; stupid, dull, silly, foolish, simple, ignorant, brutish;—a fool, blockhead, dolt, idiot, simpleton; a sluggard:—mūṛhātmā(˚ṛha+āt˚), or mūṛh-man, adj. & s.m. & f. Bewildered or stupefied in mind; insensible; stupid in mind; having the disposition of a fool; stupid, foolish;—a stupid person, a fool (i.q. mūṛh).
Origin: Hindi