मूछ mūćh, or मोछ moćh, or मोच्छmoććh[Prk. मःसू , or मसू; S. ँमौु ], s.f. Moustache;—whisker;—(met.) boasting, boast, brag:—mūćh-maroṛāroṭī-toṛā, 'A moustachetwirling bread-breaker,' one who is proud of eating the bread of idleness:—mūćh-muṇḍā, s.m. One who shaves his moustache, or whose moustache is shaved off:—mūćhoṅ-par (or mūćhoṅ-ko) tā`o denā, To twirl or twist the moustache; to act the fop or swell, to be proud or vain; to boast:—mūćhoṅ-par hāth phernā, To pass the hand over, or to stroke, the moustache; to be proud or vain, etc. (i.q. mūćhoṅ-ko tā`o denā):—mūćhoṅ-kākūṅḍākarnā, To make an offering on the appearance of the moustache (of a son,—the offering is made by the parents, among Muḥammadans):—mūćheṅukhaṛwānā(-kī), To cause the moustaches to be plucked out (a mode of punishment formerly practised in India):—mūćheṅ ćaṛhānā, To turn or twist the moustaches upwards; to be vain, etc. (i.q. mūćhoṅ-ko tā`o denā).
Origin: Hindi