मोल mol[Prk. मोल्लं ; S. मूल्यं ], s.m. Purchase;—original value; value, price, worth, purchase-money:—mol-ans, s.m. A purchased share:—mol baṛhānā, or mol ćaṛhānā(-kā), To enhance, or raise, the price (of);—to bid against (one, at an auction, etc.); to outbid:—mol toṛnā(-kā), To beat down, or to abate, the price (of):—mol-tol, s.m. Price (indefinitely); price and cost;—fixing the price, or value (of, -kā), valuation, appraisement;—bargaining; purchasing; trading; traffic:—mol-tol ṭhahrānā, or mol-tol ćukānā, or mol-tol karnā(-kā), To fix or settle the price, or value (of), to value, appraise, estimate; to bargain (for):—mol ṭhahrānāor ćukānāor karnā(-kā) = mol-tol ṭhahrānā, etc.:—mol denā, v.t. 'To give for a price,' to sell (to, -ko):—mol ghaṭānā(-kā), To reduce, or to beat down, the price (of):—mol lagānā(-kā), To value, appraise, etc. (i.q. moltol ṭhahrānā); to make an offer (for):—mollekar ćhoṛ-denā(-ko), To purchase and set free, or to purchase (a slave, etc.) for the purpose of setting (him, or it) at liberty:—mol-lenā, v.t. 'To take by purchase, or for a price,' to buy, purchase.
Origin: Hindi