maulā(for A. مولًی maulā, abstr. v.n. (=walyuṉ), fr. وَ لِ یَ 'to be near,' etc.), s.m. Lord, master, ruler; a patron; a judge; magistrate; the Supreme Lord;—a slave, servant (syn. gǒlām); a manumitted slave, freedman:—maulā-daulā, s.m. A benefactor, helper; an open-handed liberal man:—maulā'Alī, 'The lord ‘alī'; a form of salutation among faqīrs (cf. H. rām-rām):—maulā-ke nām, adv. In the name, or for the sake or cause, of God:—maulā-nā, 'Our lord'; my lord judge; a title given to judges, prefects, etc., and to persons respected for learning; a learned doctor.
Origin: Persian