मूल mūl[S. मूलं ], s.m. Root (of a plant or tree); a root (lit.and met.); basis, groundwork, beginning, principle, origin, source, cause;—bottom (of anything); foot of a mountain, etc.); lower part, or end; basis, foundation;—end, or juncture (of anything);—generation, race, stock;—original property, capital, principal, stock-in-trade (syn. aṣl);—original, original text (of any work, as distinguished from the ṭīkā, or commentary);—(in Arith.) the square root (i.q. barg-mūl; syn. jaẕr);—the twentyfourth (or, according to some, the seventeenth, or the nineteenth) Nakshatraor lunar asterism (containing eleven stars, which appear to be the same as those in the tail of Scorpio, and are considered unlucky);—adj. & adv. Radical; original; proper; real;—radically; really:—mūlpāṭh, s.m. The basis or text of a lesson, or lecture, or discourse:—mūl-patr, s.m. Original deed, document, or writing:—mūl-tattva, s.m. Essential root or origin:—mūl-dravya, or mūldhan, s.m. Original property; capital, principal, stock (syn. aṣlu`l-māl):—mūl-gyān-āśay, s.m. The essence, or drift, of wisdom:—mūlsamāntā, s.f. Equality with, or resemblance to, the root or origin:—mūl-sambandh, s.m. Connexion with the root, origin, or source:—mūl-svar, s.m. (in Gram.) A primary or simple vowel:—mūl-śikshā, s.f. Elementary or fundamental instruction:—mūl-karttā, s.m. The author of an original work;—an epithet of the Great creator:—mūl-gāoṅ, s.m. The original, or old-established, village;—the native village of the founder of a race or family:—mūl-vān, adj. (f. -vatī), Possessing roots; possessing edible roots;—practising magic with roots (?).
Origin: Hindi