muwakkil (act. part. of وكّل 'to appoint a lieutenant, or deputy,' etc., ii of وكل 'to entrust (one's affairs) to another'; see wakīl), s.m. One who appoints a wakīl, i.e. a lieutenant, or deputy, or substitute, or factor, or agent; one who delegates power (to another); a constituent; a client:—muwakkal, vulg. mu`akkal (pass. part. of the same verb), part. adj. & s.m. To whom power is delegated, or a trust is committed;—appointed guardian, or superintendent, etc.;—one to whom power is delegated, or to whom a charge or trust is committed;—a vicegerent; deputy, substitute; superintendent;—a guardian, a trustee;—keeper (of a prisoner), guard, jailor.
Origin: Arabic