mauqa, vulg. मौका maukā(prop. mauqě, n. of place and time fr. وقع 'to fall; to happen, occur,' etc.), s.m. A place where anything falls, or happens;—a fit place;—place, situation, locality;—fit or proper time, opportunity, occasion;—occurrence; accident, contingency;—adj. Opportune; proper, fit, suitable:—mauqa’bannā, An opportunity to occur, or to present itself:—mauqe-par, adv. In the right place; at the proper time; on occasion:—mauqa’pakaṛnā, To seize the occasion; not to let slip an opportunity:—mauqa’dekhnā, or mauqa’taknā(-kā), To look, or watch for, an opportunity:—mauqa’denā(-ko), To give an opportunity, or occasion (to):—mauqe-se, adv. Opportunely; seasonably, timely:—mauqe-kā, adj. (f. -kī), Opportune; proper, appropriate, fit, suitable:—mauqe-ko hāth-se denāor de-denā, To let slip an opportunity:—mauqa’milnā, or mauqa’lagnā(-ko), An opportunity to present itself (to); to meet with, or to get, an opportunity:—mauqanikal-jānā, An opportunity to pass away, or escape, or be lost:—mauqa-ě-wāridāt, s.m. The place where a crime has been committed:—mauqa’hāth lagnā(-ke), An opportunity to come to hand, etc. (i.q. mauqa’milnā, q.v.):—be-mauqa, adj. & adv. Out of place, misplaced;—untimely, unseasonable; ill-timed, inopportune; mal-àpropos, inconvenient, untoward;—at the wrong time; inopportunely, etc.
Origin: Arabic