morća, or mūrća[mor, q.v.+ća, dim. aff.=ka= S. क], s.m. A little ant, an emmet;—(met.) a poor weak creature, or thing;—rust;—a line of intrenchment; a fortification;—a battery:—morća-bandī, s.f. Intrenching, intrenchment; fortifying:—morća-bandīkarnā(or bāṅdhnā), To make (or to form) intrenchments, to intrench:—morće-par, adv. On the intrenchments, or fortification, or parapet; facing an enemy:—morća-pai karnā, To clip short the beard, etc. (so that it resembles an ant's legs);—to pluck out the beard by the root:—morća jītnā, To carry an intrenchment, to take a battery:—morća lenā(-kā), To take an intrenchment, or a battery;—to oppose; to make head (against):—morća mārnā(-kā), 1˚=morća jītnā, q.v.;—2˚, to oppose, to wrangle, to bandy words (with).
Origin: Persian