मूछार् mūrćhā, or मूच्छार् mūrććhā, s.f. Fainting, loss of consciousness; state of insensibility, a faint, a swoon; stupor, stupefaction:—mūrćhā ānā(-ko), or mūrćhākhānā, v.n. To faint, to swoon, to become insensible:—mūrćhā-rog, s.m. A fainting-fit, a swoon:—mūrćhāgat (ćhā+āg˚), and mūrćhāpann (˚ćhā+āp˚), adj. Fallen into, or afflicted with, insensibility, or stupor; in a fainting fit, etc. (i.q. mūrćhit, q.v.):—mūrćhāgat (˚āgat= S. āgati), s.f. A state of swoon, or stupefaction; insensibility;—bewilderment, astonishment.