◀Previous 200 Entries50275. منھگا 50276. منہل 50277. منهنال 50278. منھہ 50279. منھہ 50280. منھہ50281. منہو 50282. منھورت 50283. منہون 50284. منہی 50285. منہیات 50286. منھیار 50287. منھیاري 50288. منو 50289. منو 50290. منو 50291. منو 50292. منوا 50293. منوا 50294. منوا 50295. منوا 50296. منوال 50297. منوان 50298. منوان 50299. منوانا 50300. منوتی 50301. منوجن 50302. منور 50303. منورتھہ 50304. مأنوس 50305. منون 50306. منونتر 50307. منوهر 50308. منی 50309. منی 50310. منی 50311. منَی 50312. منے 50313. منی 50314. منی 50315. منیا 50316. منیا 50317. منیار 50318. منیارا 50319. منیارا 50320. منیان 50321. منیب 50322. منیت 50323. منی تھنی 50324. منیر 50325. منیس 50326. منیسا 50327. منیسن 50328. منیش 50329. منیع 50330. منیف 50331. منیم 50332. مہ 50333. مہ 50334. مہ 50335. مہ 50336. مہا 50337. مہا 50338. مہابت 50339. مہابہ 50340. مہابھارت 50341. مہاتم 50342. مہاتم 50343. مہاتم 50344. مہاتما 50345. مہاتمیہ 50346. مہاتمیہ 50347. مہاتو 50348. مہاجر 50349. مہاجرت 50350. مہاجن 50351. مہاجنی 50352. مہاد 50353. مہادیو 50354. مہار 50355. مھارا 50356. مہارت 50357. مہاري 50358. مہاڑي 50359. مہاسا 50360. مہاشٹمی 50361. مہاشی 50362. مہاكال 50363. مہال 50364. مہام 50365. مہان 50366. مہانا 50367. مہانا 50368. مہانبھاو 50369. مہانی 50370. مہاوت 50371. مہاوتنی 50372. مہاوتھہ 50373. مہاوتی 50374. مہاوٹ 50375. مہاوٹهہ 50376. مہاور 50377. مہاوڑ 50378. مہب 50379. مہب 50380. مہت 50381. مہتا 50382. مہتا 50383. مہتاب 50384. مہتابی 50385. مہتادي 50386. مہتاري 50387. مہتدي 50388. مہتر 50389. مہتراءی 50390. مہترانی 50391. مہتمم 50392. مہتممی 50393. مہتو 50394. مہتو 50395. مہتول 50396. مہتون 50397. مہتی 50398. مہتیا 50399. مہجالا 50400. مہجور 50401. مہجوري 50402. مہچنگ 50403. مہد 50404. مہداشري 50405. مہدوج 50406. مہدوشدهہ 50407. مہدوم 50408. مہدي 50409. مہدي 50410. مہر 50411. مہر 50412. مہر 50413. مہر 50414. مہر 50415. مہر 50416. مہر 50417. مہر 50418. مہرا 50419. مہرا 50420. مہرا 50421. مہرا 50422. مہراءی 50423. مھراٹا 50424. مہرارو 50425. مہران 50426. مہرانہ 50427. مہربان 50428. مہربانگی 50429. مہربانی 50430. مہرت 50431. مہرشی 50432. مہركن 50433. مہرلوك 50434. مہرمہر 50435. مہرمہو 50436. مہرہ 50437. مہرو 50438. مہروا 50439. مہرورزي 50440. مہري 50441. مہري 50442. مہري 50443. مہري 50444. مہریا 50445. مہش 50446. مہشی 50447. مہك 50448. مہكاج 50449. مہكانا 50450. مہكنا 50451. مہكیلا 50452. مہلا 50453. مہلا 50454. مہلا 50455. مہلت 50456. مہلك 50457. مہلك 50458. مہلكہ 50459. مہلكہ 50460. مہم 50461. مہما 50462. مہما 50463. مہمات 50464. مہمان 50465. مہمانی 50466. مہمل 50467. مہملات 50468. مہملہ 50469. مہموز 50470. مہمیز 50471. مہن 50472. مہن 50473. مہن 50474. مہنا ▶Next 200 Entries
मुंह muṅh[Prk. मुहं; S. मुखं], s.m. Mouth; face, countenance; aspect; presence;—aperture, orifice, opening; inlet, outlet;—source;—respect, regard, esteem; complaisance; partiality, bias;—strength, power; capacity, ability, fitness, qualification; pretension; pretence;—demand, charge, price (e.g. us wakīl-kābaṛāmuṅh hai):—muṅh utarnāor utar-jānā(-kā), The face to become shrunken, or reduced, or drawn, or thin:—muṅh uṭhā-kar, or muṅh uṭhā`e, adv. With the face up, or turned upwards; without looking before one; blindly; head-foremost, headlong:—muṅh uṭhor uṭṭhe, adv. On waking, or rising (from bed):—muṅh ujlāhonā, v.n. 'The face to be bright or white,' not to incur disgrace or dishonour; to come off with credit, or with flying colours:—muṅh-akhrī, adj. & adv. By word of mouth, verbal;—verbally (syn. zabānī):—muṅh-ā-muṅh, or muṅhāṅ-muṅh, adj. Face to face; to one's face;—brimful (syn. lab-ā-lab);—muṅhā-muṅh bharnā, v.t. To fill to the brim; to stuff; to overstock:—muṅhā-muṅh mārnā(-ko), To censure (one) to his face;—to slap (one) on the face:—muṅhā-muṅhī, s.f. Altercation, squabble, wrangling, dispute:—muṅh ānāor ā-jānā(-kā), To be or become salivated;—to have the thrush;—to utter taunts (against, -par);—s.m. Salivation:—muṅh-andherā, adj. (f. -ī), Dark, obscure;—s.m. Dusk, twilight; evening; dawn of day, daybreak;—muṅh-andhere, adv. Before daybreak; at dawn:—muṅh bārnā(-se), 'To stop the mouth (from),' to refrain:—muṅh bānā, To open the mouth, to gape;—to give a forced laugh;—to expire:—muṅh bāṅdh-ke baiṭhnā, 'To sit with the mouth bound up or closed,' to sit silent:—muṅh burābanānā, To make a wry face, to look displeasedor sour, to frown or scowl:—muṅh bigāṛnā(apnā, or kisī-kā), To make a wry face, to frown, scowl; to look sulky, to pout;—to make faces;—to spoil or disfigure the face (of another); to put one out of countenance;—to leave a bad taste in the mouth:—muṅh bigaṛnā, v.n. 'The face to be soured,' to be displeased;—to have the taste blunted or depraved;—to have a bad taste in the mouth:—muṅh banānā, To fashion the face (of, -kā);—to make faces (at), to mock;—to express feeling through the features:—muṅh-band, s.m. A muzzle;—adj. With the mouth closed:—muṅh band karnā, To hold one's tongue;—to stop the mouth (of, -kā), to silence; to give hush-money (to), to bribe (i.q. muṅh bharnā):—muṅh-band kalī, s.f. A bud;—a virgin:—muṅh-bandhe, s.m. pl. A sect of Sewṛāswho keep a cloth hanging before their mouths:—muṅh banwānā, To make (oneself), or to put on, a good face;—to fit or qualify oneself (for):—muṅh-bolā, adj. (f. -bolī), Nominal, in name or appellation, so-called; adopted:—muṅh-bolābhā`ī, s.m., or muṇh-bolībahan, s.f. A brother, or a sister, so-called, an adopted brother or sister; an intimate friend:—muṅh-boltā, adj. (f. -ī), Speaking:—muṅh-boltīmūrat, s.f. A speaking statue:—muṅh bhar-ānā, v.n. The month to water;—to feel nausea, to be squeamish:—muṅh-bharā`ī, s.f. Hush-money, a bribe, a sop:—muṅh-bhar-ke, adv. 'Filling the mouth'; fully, completely, thoroughly (used by women; cf. peṭ-bhar-ke):—muṅh-bhar-ke kosnā, v.t. To heap curses on:—muṅh-bharnāor bhar-denā(-kā), To fill the mouth (of); to stop the mouth (of) with a sop, to give hushmoney (to); to bribe:—muṅh-bharī, s.f.=muṅhbharā`ī, q.v.:—muṅh pānā(-kā), To find (one) favourably disposed; to get into the good graces (of); to presume on the favour (of):—muṅhpaṭṭā, s.m. Head-stall (of a horse):—muṅh-par, adv. On or upon (one's) mouth or face;—before the face, in the presence (of, -ke, or mere, etc.):—muṅh-par thūk-denā(-ke), To spit on the face (of);—(fig.) to disgrace, or insult:—muṅh-par jānā(-ke), To be restrained through respect or regard (for another):—muṅh-par dāna na rakhnā, 'Not to put a grain to the mouth,' to go without a morsel of food:—muṅhpar shafaq phūlnā, To be flushed with joy:—muṅh-par fāḵẖta uṛ-jānā, 'A dove to fly across the face (of),' to change colour; to be or become confounded; to look blank or astounded:—muṅh-par garm honā(-ke), To get warm or angry in the presence (of); to behave disrespectfully in the presence (of a superior):—muṅh-par lānā, To bring to the lips; to utter, say, speak of, tell, relate:—muṅhpar mǒhr karnāor kar-denā, To place a seal on the lips (of, -apne, or uske, etc.), to seal the lips:—muṅh-par nāk na honā, 'To be without a nose on the face'; to be shameless:—muṅh-par hawā`ī(or hawā`iyāṅ) uṛnā, or phirnā, or phirjānā, or ćhuṭnā, 'To have a squib or rocket discharged against one's face'; to be or become confounded; to change colour; to look blank or astonished:—muṅh paṛnāor paṛ-jānā(kisī-ke), To fall into the mouth (of);—to be eaten;—to behave with boldness or presumption (before):—muṅh-paṛī, adj. f. (m. -paṛā), On the tongues (of people;—syn. zabān-zad):—muṅh pasārnā, v.n. To open the mouth wide, to gape (with wonder, etc.):—muṅh pakaṛnā(-kā), To stop the mouth (of):—muṅh-paknā, s.m.=muṅh-andherā, q.v.:—muṅh-phaṭ, adj. & s.m. Outspoken, fearless, unconcerned; foulmouthed, abusive;—an outspoken, or fearless, etc. person;—a vain babbler:—muṅh phirnāor phir-jānā, v.n. The face to be turned or distorted, the face to be paralyzed;—the face to be turned away (from, -se), to be satiated or cloyed; to be disgusted (with); to be displeased (with):—muṅh phulānā, To distend the cheeks; to make a wry face, etc. (i.q. muṅh bigāṛnā, q.v.):—muṅh phoṛ-ke kahnā, 'To burst open the lips and speak'; to break silence; to make bold to say:—muṅh phernā(-se, or -kīt̤araf-se), To turn the face away (from); to be averse (to);—to abstain (from); to avoid, shun:—muṅh phailānā, To gape (i.q. muṅh bānā, and muṅh pasārnā), to yawn;—to desire much;—to presume;—to demand a high price (for); to raise one's price:—muṅh taknā(-kā), To gaze, or stare, at the face (of);to be astonished, or afflicted; to look blank, or foolish:—muṅhtopā, s.m. A bribe (=muṅh-bharā`ī):—muṅh to dekho, Just look at his face! what assurance! what cheek!—muṅh toṛnā(-kā), To break the mouth (of);—to harass:—muṅh thutānāor thuthānā= muṅh banānā, or muṅh phulānā, qq.v.:—muṅh ṭhaṭhānā(-kā), To slap the face (of), to box the ears (of):—muṅh ṭerhākarnā, To distort the face; to make wry faces (see muṅh bigāṛnā):—muṅh joṛnā, 'To join face (to face),' to draw close together and whisper; to talk scandal in an under-tone:—muṅh ćāṭnā(-kā), To lick the face (of); to caress; to make much (of), to curry favour (with), to toady:—muṅh ćiṛānā(-kā), To make mouths or faces (at), to mock;—to make a bad imitation (of), to caricature:—muṅh-ćaṛhā, adj. Attached (to), intimate (with); possessing the ear (of), having an ascendancy (over):—muṅh ćaṛhnā(-ke), To be or become familiar or intimate (with); to attach oneself (to);—toface, confront (with hostile intention):—muṅh ćalānā, To bite, to snap (as a horse); to open the mouth (to devour);—to work the mouth or jaws, to eat:—muṅh ćalnā, The mouth to be moving or working; to chew the cud;—to be foulmouthed:—muṅh-ćang, s.m. A jew's-harp (see mućang):—muṅh-ćor, adj. Sheepish, shamefaced, bashful, timid;—keeping at home, not visiting friends:—muṅh-ćorī, s.f. Bashfulness, etc.:—muṅh ćhipānāor ćhupānā(-se), To hide or veil the face (from bashfulness, etc.); to keep parda;—to be bashful;—to be in hiding, to hide, skulk;—to avoid, shun, to evade:—muṅh-ćhipā`ū, s.m. & f. One who hides his (or her) face;—a bashful person;—a skulker, etc.;—blind-man's buff:—muṅh ćhuṭ, adj.=muṅh-phaṭ, q.v.:—muṅh ćhūnā(-kā), To touch the face (of);—to give (one) a formal invitation (to):—muṅh ćhetnā(-kā), To slap the face (of):—muṅh-dar-muṅh, adv. Face to face, before, in the presence (of):—muṅh dikhānā(-ko), To show one's face (to), to appear before (one) with confidence and satisfaction (e.g. kyāmuṅh dikhā`ūṅgā? 'how can I show my face?'):—muṅh-dikhā`ī, s.f. A present given (by the female relations of the bridegroom, and the friends of the family) on the first visit to a bride:—muṅh-dekhte rah-jānā(-ke, etc.), To continue staring at (one) with surprise, to be lost in astonishment:—muṅh dekh-kar bāt kahnā, To say pleasant things (to), to flatter:—muṅh dekhnā(apnā, or kisī-kā, etc.), To see one's face (in a glass);—to look at the face (of); to look about idly;—to stare at in astonishment or helplessness;—to look to (one, for aid, etc.), to depend (on);—to have a regard (for one):—muṅh-dekhe kīulfat, or prīt, or ćāh, or maḥabbat, Show of regard or friendship before a person; apparent friendship or affection:—muṅh-dekhībāt kahnā= muṅh dekh-kar bāt kahnā, q.v.:—muṅh denā(-meṅ), To put the mouth or lips (into, or to);—to make familiarized, to favour, to countenance:—muṅh ḍālnā(-meṅ), To put the mouth (into, or to); to thrust the muzzle (into); to eat;—to bite (a horse); to peck or seize with the beak (a cock, in fighting);—to beg, request:—muṅh rakhnā, To keep a good countenance; to keep on good terms (with):—muṅh-zabānī, adj. Verbal (message, or evidence, etc.), oral, vivâvoce:—muṅh zard honā, 'The face to become yellow,' to turn pale (from fear):—munh-zor, Hardmouthed (a horse); restive;—headstrong, stubborn, obstinate;—outspoken, etc. (i.q. muṅh-phaṭ, q.v.):—muṅh-zorī, s.f. Hardness of mouth; headstrongness, etc.;—foulmouthedness, abusiveness:—muṅh sujānā, To puff out the cheeks; to pout, to sulk;—to cause the face (of another, -kā, etc.) to swell (by a slap, or blow;—i.q. muṅh phulānā, and muṅh bigāṛnā):—muṅh sukaṛnā, v.n. To change colour:—muṅh sukeṛnā, To contract the face, to make a wry face:—muṅh sambhālnā, To bridle the mouth or tongue; to hold one's tongue:—muṅh sūkhnāor sūkh-jānā, The mouth to become dry or parched;—the face to become thin or emaciated:—muṅh-se bāt lenā(-ke, or mere, etc.), To take the words out of the mouth (of); to anticipate (and to prevent from speaking) one who is on the point of speaking:—muṅh-se phūl jhaṛnā, Flowers (of rhetoric) to fall from the lips (of, -ke);—(ironic.) to rate in round terms, to reproach, to abuse:—muṅh-se dūdh ṭapaknā, Milk to drop from the mouth (of); to be yet a child, to have no sense:—muṅh sīnāor sī-denā(-kā), To sew up the mouth (of);—to close or seal the lips (of, i.q. muṅh-par mǒhr karnā); to silence (a person);—to give hush-money (to, i.q. muṅh bharnā):—muṅh faq honāor ho-jānā(-kā), To change colour, to turn pale (esp. from fear):—muṅh-kāphūhaṛor phūṛā, adj. Rude, disrespectful, impudent, abusive:—muṅh-kākaććā, adj. Tender-mouthed (a horse):—muṅhkālā, s.m. Disgrace;—adj. Disgraced:—muṅh kālākarnā, To blacken one's own face; to incur disgrace;—to blacken the face (of another, -kā); to disgrace, bring disgrace on; to punish;—to turn out with disgrace; to break off all connection (with):—muṅh kālāhonāor hojānā, The face to be or become black or blackened; to incur disgrace, be disgraced:—muṅh-kālaććhan jhaṛnā= muṅh-kīlo`īutarnā, q.v.:—muṅh-kāmuṅh-meṅhāth-kāhāth-meṅ, 'With the mouth's (morsel) in the mouth and the hand's (spoonful) in the hand'; staggered, aghast:—muṅh-kāmīṭhā(f. muṅh-kīmīṭhī), adj. Sweet-tongued, sweet-spoken:—muṅh-kānawālā, s.m. A morsel;—anything easily attained:—muṅh karna (-kīt̤araf, or kīor), To turn the face (to or towards), to direct the steps (towards); to face, confront;—to attack; to abuse;—to regard with favour, be partial (to);—to direct the attention (to), to be greedy or miserly; to come to a head, to burst or, open (as a boil, or an abscess, etc.);—to make the first attempt at seizing game (a young hound, or other animal used in hunting):—muṅh-ko lahūlagnā(-ke), To get a taste for blood; vice to grow (on one):—muṅh khulnāor khul-jānā, The mouth to become open;—to become foulmouthed or abusive:—muṅh khulwānā(-kā), To cause (one's) mouth to become opened; to make (or to provoke one to) speak:—muṅh kholnā, To open the mouth;—to abuse;—to uncover the face; to present to view; to reveal:—muṅh-kībāt ćhīn-lenā(kisī-ke) = muṅh-se bāt lenā, q.v.:—muṅh ke bal (or bhal) girnā, To fall on the face, or face foremost:—muṅh-ke kawwe uṛ-jānā= muṅh-par fāḵẖta uṛ-jānā, q.v.:—muṅh-kīkhānā, To eat one's own words; to be convicted out of one's own mouth;—to be browbeaten;—to receive a blow on the face;—to suffer disgrace; to be put to the blush:—muṅh kīlnā(-ke), To plug the mouth (of), to gag; to silence;—to tie the tongue (of a person) with a charm or spell;—to exorcise:—muṅh-kīlo`īutarnā, or jānā, To lose (one's) brightness of countenance, or (one's) good looks;—to lose the sense of shame;—to lose (one's) good manners, to become corrupted, or depraved:—muṅh lāl karnā, To redden the mouth or lips;—to make the face (of another, -kā) red (by slapping):—muṅh lāl honā, v.n. The mouth or lips to be tinged with red;—the face to become red, or to flush (with anger, etc.);—to be honoured, to get a good name:—muṅh lapeṭ-ke paṛ-rahnā, 'To muffle up the face and lie down'; to lie down in the sulks; to take to one's bed in grief:—muṅh laṭkānāor laṭkā-lenā, To hang down the face or head;—to make a long face, to be down in the mouth:—muṅh lagānā, To apply the mouth or lips (to, -meṅ):—to be intimate or familiar with an inferior; to familiarize; to countenance, favour; to fondle, caress:—muṅh lagnā(-ke, or mere, etc.), To have the mouth burned or affected (by a pungent substance, etc.);—to suit the mouth or palate (of), to be agreeable to the taste (of);—to become used, or accustomed (to), or familiarized (with);—to become intimate (with), to become a favourite (of);—to dispute, or bandy words (with):—muṅh mārnāor mārdenā, 'To attack (one) with the mouth,' to bite; to sting; to say biting or stinging things;—to attack, to fall upon;—to stop the mouth (of a person, -kā); to silence;—to feed:—muṅhmāṅgā, or muṅh-māgā, adj. (f. -ī), Demanded, requested, or asked for by word of mouth:—muṅh-māṅgāmolor dām, s.m. Price demanded or asked for;—muṅh-māṅgīmurād, s.f. Any thing or object obtained in accordance with expressed wish;—heart-felt wish:—muṅhmāṅgīmaut, s.f. The death asked or wished for:—muṅh maskoṛnā, To make a wry face;—to turn up the nose;—to frown, to be displeased, or offended:—muṅh moṛnā(-se), To turn away the face (from); to disregard; to be averse (to); to avoid, shun; to abstain or desist (from);—to turn (against), to rebel, revolt;—to turn a deaf ear (to); to give the cold shoulder (to):—muṅh mīṭhākarnā(-kā), To sweeten the mouth (of); to give (one) a treat;—to give a sop or bribe (to):—muṅh-meṅpānībhar-ānā, The mouth to water; to feel eager desire (for);—to be tempted, or seduced:—muṅh-meṅpānī ću`ānā(-ke), To drop water into the mouth (of);—to perform the last offices (for):—muṅh-meṅpaṛhnā, To read to oneself, to mumble:—muṅhmeṅtinkālenā, To take a straw in one's mouth (as a sign of humility, or submission); to humble or abase oneself, to lick the dust;—to submit (to), resign oneself (to):—muṅh-nāl, s.m.f.(?) The mouth-piece of a ḥuqqa:—muṅh nipoṛnā, To look blank or foolish;—to simper:—muṅh na paṛnā, v.n. Not to have the face (to):—muṅh nikal-ānā, v.n. The cheeks to sink, etc. (i.q. muṅh utar-jānā, q.v.):—muṅhhāth ṭūṭnā, 'The face and hands to break'; the limbs to be broken; to meet with a bad accident:—muṅh-hāth dhonā, To wash the face and hands:—muṅh-hīmuṅh-meṅ, adv. Within oneself, to oneself:—apnā-sāmuṅh leke phirjānā, To return (from any enterprise) with a face (expressive of disappointment) peculiarly one's own; to return disappointed; to fail of success:—apnāmuṅh leke rah-jānā, To put the hand to the mouth (in admiration, or astonishment, or shame) and remain motionless; to be astonished, or ashamed, etc.:—tere muṅhmeṅ ḵẖākor khe, or ḵẖāk tere muṅh-meṅ, Dirt in your mouth! may your mouth be fouled!:—kālāmuṅh, (May his, or your,) face (become) black! may disgrace overtake him!
Origin: Hindi