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मंगल maṅgal[S. मङ्गलः; मङ्गलं ], Lucky, fortunate, prosperous, faring well or happily; auspicious, propitious, conferring happiness;—pleasing,agreeable, good, beautiful;—brave;—s.m. Good luck, luckiness, good fortune, success; auspiciousness; prosperity; happiness, felicity, welfare, bliss;—a happy or auspicious event (as a marriage, etc.); a festival, festivity, rejoicing, revelry, pleasure, enjoyment; solemnity, any solemn ceremony or religious service; burnt-offering (on various occasions of rejoicing);—anything regarded as auspicious or tending to a lucky issue; a good omen; anauspicious prayer; blessing, benediction;—name of the planet Mars, or of its deified personification;—(for mangal-wār) 'Mars-day,' Tuesday;—(in Hindīpoetry) a symbol for 8:—maṅgalāćār, or maṅgalāćaran (˚la+āć˚), s.m. Benediction; prayer for the success of anything; pronouncing a blessing, wishing joy, congratulation; a song of congratulation; a marriage-song, epithalamium; an auspicious ceremony or observance; pious custom or usage; festive decoration; festivity, rejoicing;—worship or salutation to Ganeśat the commencement of an undertaking, or of a written work; (hence) preface, introduction:—mangal-āćār karnā, v.n. To make rejoicing, to rejoice, to revel;—to wish joy (to, -kā), to congratulate;—to sing a marriage-song; to join in marriage, to marry:—maṅgal-janak, adj. & s.m. (f. -ikā) = maṅgalkārī, q.v.:—maṅgal-ćār, s.m. The popular form of maṅga-lāćār, q.v.:—maṅgal-dāyak (f. -ikā), or maṅgal-dāyī(f. -inī), adj. & s.m. Contributing to well-being, beneficial;—beneficent, benevolent:—maṅgal-dravya, s.m. Anything (as flowers, fruits, and the like) which is offered as a good omen:—maṅgal-rāsī, s.m. & f. Good fortune; well-being, weal:—maṅgalsamāćār, s.m. Good tidings; tidings of the wellbeing (of); auspicious news;—the Gospel:—maṅgal-samāćārak, adj. & s.m. (f. -ikā), Proclaiming (or a proclaimer of) good news; felicitating;—a preacher of the Gospel (i.q. maṅgal-vādī, q.v.):—maṅgal-sūtr, s.m. 'The lucky thread,' the marriage-string, a string tied by the bridegroom round the neck of the bride and worn as long as the husband lives; (local) a string of beads (generally glass beads set in gold) worn round the neck by a married woman (its absence is a sign of widowhood):—maṅgalkārak (f. -ikā), or maṅgal-kārī(f. -iṇī), adj. & s.m. Causing, or producing, welfare or prosperity; propitious; auspicious; beneficial; beneficent, benevolent;—a beneficent or benevolent person, etc.:—maṅgal-kārya, s.m. A festive occasion; solemnity (as a marriage, etc.); an auspicious occasion:—maṅgal-kalas, s.m. 'Pitcher of good omen'; a kind of vessel in which a light is placed, and which, at a wedding, is held on the head by women whose husbands are alive, and shown, as a good omen, to the bride, at the door of her house:—maṅgalkoṭ, s.m. Name of a town in India:—maṅgalkoṭī, s.f. A sort of carpet made at Maṅgalkoṭ:—maṅgal gānā(-kā), To sing a song of joy, or of congratulation;—to sing in praise or honour (of):—maṅgal-grah, s.m. An auspicious planet; a lucky star:—maṅgal-vādī, adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), Pronouncing a benediction; wishing joy; expressing congratulation, felicitating; proclaiming glad tidings; speaking to the benefit of others, or concerning their welfare;—one who pronounces a benediction, etc.;—a proclaimer of good tidings;—a preacher of the Gospel:—maṅgal-wār, s.m. 'Mars-day,' Tuesday:—maṅgalopadeś(˚la+up˚), s.m. Salutary instruction;—the Gospel:—maṅgalopadeśak (f. -ikā), s.m. One who imparts salutary instruction;—a preacher of the Gospel:—maṅgalopakār, vulg. maṅgalopkār (˚la+up˚), s.m. Beneficence, benevolence:—mangalopakārak, vulg. maṅgalopkārak, adj. & s.m. (f. -ikā), Beneficial;—beneficent, benevolent;—a benevolent person, etc.
Origin: Hindi