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मुण्ड muṇḍ, adj. (f. -ā), Shaved, bald, having no hair on the head; uncovered;—destitute of horns (an ox, or a ram), hornless (i.q. muṇḍā, q.v.);—stripped of top-leaves or branches, lopped (as a tree); pointless, blunt; (fig.) dull, obtuse;—low, mean;—s.m. A shaven head, a bald pate; a skull;—the forehead;—the head;—head, headman, chief, principal (i.q. murh, q.v.);—a tree stripped of its top branches, the trunk of a lopped tree; a pollard;—a barber;—an epithet of Rāhu;—name of a Daitya:—muṇḍākshar (˚ḍa+ak˚), s.m. Headless letters, the Nāgarīcharacter without the top line (as written by the Kāyaths; see kaithi, and muṛiyā):—muṇḍ-bheṛ, s.f.=muṭh-bheṛ, q.v.:—muṇḍ-ćirā, s.m. A sect of mendicants who extort alms by threatening to split (or wound) their heads, etc.; an individual of that sect; an extortioner:—muṇḍ-ćirā-pan, s.m. The action, or the quality, of a muṇḍ-cirā; extortion:—muṇḍ-kārī, s.f. A posture in which the legs are drawn up and the head is thrust either between them, or into some corner or recess, or under some covering or covert; crouching or contracted form of the body and limbs:—muṇḍ-kārīmārnā, To lie with the head between the legs, etc.; to lie round with the knees to the stomach, and the head between them, or resting on them:—muṇḍ-māl, or muṇḍ-mālā, s.f. A necklace or string of human skulls.