manz̤ūrī(fr. manz̤ūr), s.f. Approval; choice;—admission; consent, permission, sanction;—admissibility:—manz̤ūrībā-qarīna, or manz̤ūrībā-ẓimnan, Tacit or implied consent:—manz̤ūrī-ě-bil, Audit of a bill:—manz̤ūrī-ě-s̤ānī, Second admission; readmission:—manz̤ūrī-ě-ḵẖās, Special sanction:—manz̤ūrī-kāmuntaz̤ir rahnā, To be expecting, or to await, sanction:—manz̤ūrī-kīāsāmī, A Government appointment conveying a retiring pension:—marz̤ūrī-ě-nīlām, Confirmation of a sale:—ba-manz̤ūrī, adv. With the approval, or consent, or sanction (of, -ě):—ba-shart̤-ě-manz̤ūrī, On condition of approval, etc.; subject to the approval (of, -ě).
Origin: Persian