munshī(act. part. of انشأ 'to create, or produce; to compose,' etc., iv of نشأ 'to grow, to spring up,' etc.), s.m. An author, a composer (in prose); a writer, scribe, secretary, an amanuensis;—(in India, chiefly among Europeans) a tutor, a teacher of Persian or Urdū, language-master;—a title of respect:—munshī-ḵẖāna, s.m. The room for native scribes in an Indian office:—munshī-ě-falak, s.m. The planet Mercury:—munshī-garī, s.f. Business of a munshī; secretaryship; clerkship; teachership;—good composition; good writing:—mīr-munshī, s.m. The head of the Persian or vernacular department of an office.
Origin: Arabic