मनस् manas (changeable in comp., before certain consonants, to mano), s.m. Mind (in its widest sense, as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will; (in Phil.) the internal organ of perception and cognition, the seat of perception and of passion (and reckoned by the followers of the Sānkhya and Nyāya systems as an organ of both sense and action);—thought, imagination, conception, idea, fancy; heart, affection, desire, longing; disposition, mood, temper, good-will, favour; spirit, energy, mettle (see man):—manas-kār, s.m. Perfect consciousness; self-consciousness, attention of the mind to its own sensations:—manas-tāp, s.m. lit.'Burning of the mind,' distress of mind, mental pain, anguish, agony; remorse, repentance, compunction, regret:—manas-hiṅ, (dialec.) adv. In the mind (i.q. manmeṅ):—mano-kāmnā, s.f. Inclination or bias of the mind; heart's desire; wish, purpose, design:—mano-gata, vulg. mano-gat, part. adj. Gone to the heart or mind; existing or sealed in the mind, resting or concealed in the mind or heart; passing in the mind; affecting the mind or soul;—desired;—s.m. What rests, or what is passing, in the mind; idea, thought, notion; wish, longing:—mano-gupt, part. adj. Cherished or concealed inthe mind; thought or meditated on in secret:—mano-ja, or mano-jāt, adj. & s.m. Sprung up in the mind or soul; mind-born, heart-born;—love; the god of love (i.q. Kām-dev):—mano-jna, vulg. mano-gya, adj. (f. -ā), Agreeable to the mind; heartwinning; pleasing, lovely, beautiful, charming:—mano-nīt, adj. (f. -ā), Taken by the mind, made choice of, wished for, approved, preferred; acceptable:—mano-bhav, and manobhūt, adj. & s.m.=mano-ja, q.v.:—mano-may, adj. (f. -ī), Consisting of spirit or mind; spiritual; mental;—(for mano-may-koś), the mental sheath (the second of the subtile sheaths in which the soul is cased, according to the Vedānta philosophy):—mano-mal, s.m. Defilement of the mind; impurity; sin:—manoyog, s.m. Application of the mind, attention:—mano-ranjan, s.m. The act of pleasing the mind; pleasantness, etc. (i.q. man-ranjan, q.v.s.v. man):—mano-rath, corr. manorth, s.m. (lit.'vehicle of the mind'), Wish, desire; design, intention, object, purpose, aim;—fancy, imagination; good pleasure; desired object:—manorath siddh honā, or manorath su-phal honā, v.n. A desire to be accomplished or fulfilled; an object to be gained:—manorath karnā, v.n. To form a desire, or a design, etc.; to purpose, etc.:—mano-ram, adj. (f. -ā), Delighting or gratifying the mind; satisfactory; attractive, pleasing, interesting, agreeable, charming, lovely, beautiful;—s.m. A charming or lovely person, etc.:—mano-laulya, s.m. Eagerness of mind, fancy, caprice, whim, freak:—mano-vrit, adj. Full, complete; developed (said of the mind):—mano-vritti, s.f. State or frame of mind, disposition, temper;—operation, or activity, of the mind; volition, wish, desire, fancy:—mano-har, adj. Heart-stealing, heart-ravishing, captivating the heart or mind, taking the fancy, fascinating, bewitching, charming, pretty, attractive, interesting, delightful, pleasing, beautiful, lovely;—s.m. (f. -ī), A charming person, etc.:—mano-haratā, vulg. mano-hartā, or manohartā`ī, s.f., and mano-haratva, s.m. Captivatingness, charmingness, attractiveness, pleasantness, fascination, beauty:—mano-harī, s.f. A charming, fascinating, or lovely woman:—mano-hārī, adj. & s.m. (f. -iṇī) = mano-har, q.v.