िमला milā[perf. part. of milnā, q.v.;—and=Prk. िमिलअओ; S. िमिलत+ कः], part. adj. (f. -ī), Mixed; united, etc.; met with, found, obtained, etc. (see milnā):—milī-bhagat, s.f. A confederacy (syn. sāzish):—milī-jaćīvidyā, s.f. (Physics) Mixed science:—milā-julā, or milā-jhulā, adj. (f. -ī), United; in harmony, harmonious; sociable; friendly:—mile-juleor jhule, adv. In union, united; in harmony, harmoniously, on good terms, amicably; sociably, etc.:—milīrag, s.f. (Anat.) A. sympathetic nerve:—milākhiṅćā`o, s.m. (Physics) Capillary attraction:—milā-hu`ā, adj. (f. -ī) = milā, q.v.:—milī-hu`ī ćāl, s.f. (Physics) Compound force or motion:—mile-hu's zor, s.m. pl. (Physics) A system of forces. T ملا mullā(corr. of A. مَولَی maulā; cf. maulawī), s.m. A doctor, a learned man; a schoolmaster (who, in a village, has also charge of the mosque);—a judge, the deputy of a Qāzī; a jurist;—a priest;—a bigot;—(dialec.) a soothsayer, a fortune-teller;—mullā-qǒr`ānī, s.m. A law-officer who administers oaths on the Qor`ān;—one whose business it is to read the Qor`ān for forty days at the house of a deceased person:—mullā-garī, s.f. The office or duty of a mullā; schoolmastering, teaching, etc.
Origin: Hindi