िमलाना milānā(caus. of milnā, q.v.), v.t. To cause to unite or join, etc.; to unite, join, connect, attach; to close;to cement;—to cause to meet or come together; to bring together; to introduce (one person to another); to act as a pander or a pimp between;—to put (into, or amongst); to put (together, or with); to mix, mingle, blend, combine; to cause to unite, or agree, or correspond, or harmonize; to assimilate; to reconcile; to adjust; to apply; to fit; to accord; to compare (with, -se):—milā-denā, v.t. intens. of and=milānā:—milā-lenā, v.t. (intens.) To make friends of, to reconcile; to conciliate, to pacify; to persuade, to gain or win over, to make partizans of.
Origin: Hindi