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magz[Pehl. mazg; Zend mazga; S. मज्जा], s.m. Brain;—marrow;—kernel; pith; pulp; crumb (of bread); the inside (of anything), the chief substance or essence (of anything);—intellect;—pride, arrogance;—the best kind of pearl:—magz uṛnā, 'The brain to fly or go,' to lose one's head, to become or feel distracted:—magz bhinnānā, v.n. 'The brain to ring'; to have a buzzing in the ears:—magz bhauṅkānā, 'To cause the brain to bark'; to try the brain, or to fatigue (oneself) with talking:—magz paćānā, To rack the brain;—to torment, tease, distract:—magz paććīkarnā, To rack the brain:—magz phirānā, 'To turn the brain';—to torment, tease, distract;—to talk much, to tire oneself by talking:—magz ćalnā(kisī-kā), The head (of a person) to be turned:—magz ḵẖālīkarnā, 'To empty the brain'; to make (one, or oneself) light-headed; to distract, to worry;—to fatigue (oneself) by much talking:—magz-dār, adj. Full of brain, or marrow, etc.; marrowy; kernelled, kernelly; pithy:—magz-zanīkarnā, or magz mārnā, To rack (one's own) brain;to distract oneself; to fatigue oneself by much talking or thought:—magz-se utārnā, or magz-se nikālnā(-ko), To evolve from the brain, to make out of one's own head, to invent:—magz-kā, adj. (f. -kī), Of or relating to the brain; cerebral:—magzko ćaṛhnā(-ke), To mount (or get) to the brain or head (of):—magz khānā, or magz ćāṭnā, To consume, or wear, or try, the brain (of); to distract, tease, worry, harass:—magz-ke kīṛe jhaṛnā, or magz-kī-kīl nikalnā, 'The maggots of (one's) brain to be shaken (or to fall) out,' or 'the pin of (one's) brain to come out'; to be humbled; to be punished or chastised:—bemagz, or be-magza, adj. & s.m. Brainless, empty-headed;—marrowless; without kernel; empty;—a brainless fellow, etc.
Origin: Persian