manī, s.f., or mane, s.m. (for A. manā, inf. n. of عنی 'to concern, or relate or belong to'; or contrac. of معنیّ manīyuṉ, pass. part. of عنی ), Meaning, intended sense, intent, signification; indication, import, drift, acceptation; intrinsic quality;—spirituality;—substance, essence; reality; the interior or hidden part (of anything):—manībayān karnā(-kī), To explain the meaning, etc. (of), to explain, to interpret:—manīdenā, and manīrakhnā(-kī), To yield, or to have, the meaning or sense (of), to denote, to imply:—be-manī, adj. Without meaning or sense; vain, foolish, absurd, nonsensical :—kyāmanī, With what intent? what is the reason?
Origin: Persian