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mǒ’āmala, vulg. mǒ’āmla, māmla (for A. معاملة mǒ’āmalat, inf. n. of عامل 'to transact business with; to deal with in buying and selling,' iii of عمل 'to work,' etc.), s.m. Transacting business (with), dealing (with), trading, or bargaining (with);—dealing, transaction, negotiation, business, commerce, traffic; bargain; contract; correspondence;—sexual intercourse;—proceeding, procedure; behaviour;—affair, matter, concern; particular;—cause, or suit (in law), a case;—dominion, jurisdiction:—mǒ’āmala bannā, A matter to be settled, or to succeed; a bargain to be struck; an end to be gained:—mǒ’āmala pakkākarnā, or mǒ’āmala pukht-paz karnā, To settle a matter finally or definitely; to conclude a bargain:—mǒ’āmala pakkāhonā, or mǒ’āmala mukammal honā, A transaction, or a bargain, to be completed:—mǒ’āmala-pardāzī, s.f. The performing (or performance) of a business or affair;—the transacting (or transaction) of business:—mǒ’āmala-pardāzīkarnā, To transact (or to carry on) business (for), to act (for):—mǒ’āmala paṛnā, v.n. Dealings to take place (between); to have to do or deal (with):—mǒ’āmala-ě-ḵẖārija, s.m. An irrelevant matter:—mǒ’āmala-dān, or mǒ’āmala-shinās, adj. & s.m. Well acquainted with business, etc.;—a business-man:—mǒ’āmala-dānī, s.f. Knowledge of business:—mǒ’āmala-ras, adj. & s.m. Thoroughly comprehending an affair, or a transaction, or a suit;—one who is conversant with any matter, or who thoroughly comprehends and understands an affair; one who penetrates to the bottom of an affair:—mǒ’āmala-rasī, s.f. Penetrating to the bottom of an affair, etc.; thorough comprehension of an affair, or business, or suit:—mǒ’āmala-ě-sangīn, s.m. A serious business, a grave matter:—mǒ’āmala-ě-fāsid, s.m. A corrupt or dishonest transaction:—mǒ’āmala-kāsaććā, or ḵẖẉush-mǒ’āmala, adj. & s.m. True, or straightforward, or honest in (his) dealings or transactions;—an honest man:—mǒ’āmale-kākhoṭā, adj. & s.m. Fraudulent or dishonest in business or in (his) dealings;—a dishonest man:—mǒ’āmala karnā(-se), To carry on business transactions (with), to trade (with), to buy and sell (with), to deal (with); to contract, to bargain; to treat (with), to negotiate (with):—mǒ’āmale-kī ḥaqīqat-hāl, The true or real facts of an affair, or of a case; the merits of a case:—mǒ’āmala mukammal honā, v.n.=mǒ’āmala pakkāhonā, q.v.:—mǒ’āmala-ě-naqdī, s.m. A cash-transaction:—’inda`l-mǒ’āmala, adv. At the time of the transaction:—binā-ě-mǒ’āmala, s.f. Ground or cause of action:—ḵẖẉush-mǒ’āmala, adj. & s.m.=mǒ’āmala-kāsaććā, q.v.
Origin: Persian

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