murg̠[old P. murgh, muru; Pehl. mūrū; Zend meregha; S. मृ ग], s.m. A bird, fowl; a cock (com. murg̠āin India):—murg̠-ābī, s.f. A water-fowl; a wild duck; a teal;—the plant Sanseviera zeylanica:—murg̠ābī-kānār, s.m. (dialec.) The tow, or fibrous or filamentous stuff, prepared from the murg̠ābīplant, of which the pack-thread used by matmen, etc., is usually made:—murg̠-bāz, s.m. A cock-fancier; a cock-fighter; one who feeds cocks:—murg̠-bāzī, s.f. Cock-fighting:—murg̠-ě-ćaman, s.m. Forest-bird;—the nightingale:—murg̠-ě-ḵẖāngī(or ḵẖāngīmurg̠), s.m. & f. A domestic (or barn-door) fowl:—murg̠-ě-saḥar, s.m. The morning bird, the cock;—the nightingale:—murg̠-ě-īsā, s.m. A bat.
Origin: Persian