majāz (n. of place fr. جاز (for جوز ), 'to pass by or beyond,' etc.), s.m. Trope, figure, metaphor, simile, allegory. P H مجاز majāz (for A. mujāz, pass. part. of اجاز 'to make, or hold to be, allowable,' etc., iv of جاز (for جوز ), 'to become allowable,' etc.), adj. & s.m. Allowable, admissible, lawful, authorized, warranted, licensed; legally competent (syn. jā`iz);—artificial, feigned, insincere, false; superficial; political; worldly; profane (as opp. to divine love);—illusory, delusive;—permission, authority, licence; competency:—majāz honā, v.n. To be allowed, to be legally authorized, etc.:—gair-majāz, adj. Unauthorized, not warranted, etc.
Origin: Arabic