िमत mita, vulg. mit (rt. mā), part. Measured off, measured out; defined, limited, bounded; restricted; moderate; regular; scanty, frugal, sparing:—mitāśan, mitāśī(˚ta+aś˚), adj. & s.m. Eating little or sparingly, moderate in diet, abstemious;—an abstemious person;—(mitāśan) s.m. Moderation in eating, abstemiousness:—mitāksharā(˚ta+ak˚), s.f. (lit.'having measured syllables, metrical'), Name of various concise and celebrated commentaries of the Hindūs:—mitāhārī(˚ta+āh˚), adj. & s.m.=mitāśan, q.v.:—mit-vāć, adj. Of measured speech, speaking little; prudent or deliberate in the use of speech.