मत mat[S. मितः], s.f. The mind, understanding, intelligence, intellect; wit, sense, discernment, judgment, wisdom;—design, intention, purpose, resolution, determination;—thought, perception, idea, conception, opinion, notion, belief, conviction, view, creed, religious opinion, faith;—manner, method, way, mode, system, sect;—counsel, advice;—esteem, respect, reverence, regard;—disposition of mind, wish, desire, inclination;—memory, remembrance, recollection:—mat-bhed, s.m. Change of opinion or views:—mat phirnā(-kī), The opinion (of a person) to change:—matdenā(-ko), To give advice (to), to advise, counsel:—mat-se (-kī), The advice (of); in concert (with):—mat ku-mat honā, or mat mārījānā(-kī), To lose one's senses:—mat-meṅ ānā(kisī-kī), To become a convert to the views or opinion (of anyone):—mat-vād, s.m. Contention concerning opinion:—mat-hīn, adj. Devoid of understanding, stupid, senseless, ignorant;—without religious belief, irreligious, profane:—ulṭīmat, or auṅdhīmat, s.f. A perverted judgment.
Origin: Hindi