मत mata, vulg. mat (base S. मतं ), s.m. Thought, idea, sentiment, opinion, judgment, view, mind, doctrine, belief, creed, tenet; sect, persuasion, party (in religion or philosophy);—advice, counsel;—disposition of mind, design, aim, intention, purpose, wish;—knowledge:—matāćār (˚ta+āć˚), s.m. The observance of any method or opinion; following a sect:—matāntar (˚ta+an˚), s.m. Another (or a different) opinion or tenet; another method; a different creed, or sect, or party:—matāntarāćār (˚ta+antara+āć˚), s.m. The observance of another method; the following another sect:—matānusār (˚ta+an˚), adj. Conformably to the opinion or belief (of, -ke); conformably to the sect (of):—matāvalambī(˚ta+av˚), adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), Holding or embracing the doctrines or tenets of a particular sect;—an adherent to any particular class of religious (or philosophical) opinions:—mat-pravartak, s.m. (f. -ikā), The originator or founder of any religious or philosophical sect:—mat-pravartakatva, s.m., or matpravartakatā, s.f. The originating or establishing new opinions or theories; innovation:—mat-parīkshā, s.f. Investigation of religious belief:—mat-khaṇḍan, s.m. Destruction of religious belief; heresy, heterodoxy; infidelity.