mutafakkir (act. part. of ّتفكر , v of (and syn. with) فكر 'to think' (upon)), part. adj. Thinking, considering, reflecting; thoughtful, contemplative, given to consideration; serious, pensive, grave, concerned, anxious, uneasy or disturbed in mind, perplexed, perturbed; amazed:—mutafakkir hokar, conj. part. Becoming thoughtful, or pensive, etc.;—adv. Pensively, gravely; anxiously, etc. A P متفنی mutafannī(prob. corr. of A. متفنن mutafannin, act. part. of ت ف ن نّ , 'to practise various arts,' etc., v. of ف نّ 'to trick, to deceive,' etc.), adj. Artful, crafty, vicious.
Origin: Arabic