māhī[Pehl. māhīk; Zend maśya; S. मत्ःय], s.f. A fish; (in Myth.) the fish on which the earth is supposed to rest:—māhī-pusht, adj. 'Fish-backed,' hog-backed; convex:—māhī-tawa, s.m. A pan for frying fish; a concave frying-pan:—māhī-ḵẖẉār, s.m. 'Fish-eater'; a heron; crane; cormorant:—māhī-dandān, s.m. A fish's tooth (of which the hilts of swords, etc. are made):—māhī-farosh, s.m. Fish-man, fishmonger:—māhī-gīr, s.m. A fisherman;—an otter, Lutra lutreola:—māhī-marātib, s.m. Certain honours of which the privilege is especially conferred on princes and great nobles (they are denoted by the figure of a fish with other insignia (two balls), carried as ensigns upon elephants):—dandān-ě-māhī, s.m.=māhī-dandān, q.v.
Origin: Persian